Chapter 33

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Month 7

John POV
"I'm so nervous" Alex said biting his lip as we stood in front of the beautiful apartment complex we might be living in for a few years.

"You shouldn't it will be fine" I said grabbing his hand as we entered the building aweing at the sight since it was so clean and velvet.

We entered the elevator "what floor was it?" Alex asked his finger hovering over the buttons I thought for a second before answering "4" I said he clicked the button closing the door.

He tapped his foot on the ground anxiously the doors open and he sprinted out I smiled fondly following him as he stopped in front of door B4.

I knocked making Alex gasped "I wanted to do it" he said childishly, I forgot to mention we have been getting into stupid fights lately.

A man in a black suit opens the door smiling peachy at us "Johnathan!" He said making me cringe and Alex giggle "John and hi! This is my boyfriend Alexander" I said correcting him and showing him Alex.

He shook Alex hand "come in" he gestured as we walked into the empty apartment.

He gave us a tour of the house each room and I could already imagine little milkshake running around and I think Alex could go as he would look around in deep thought.

When the tour was over we went back to the living room "well?" The man asked as Alex and I made eye contact nodding "we'll take it" I said as the man smiled at us gesturing us to his office downstairs so we could sign papers.

•time skip•

"We are going to be late!" Alex screamed climbing inside my car, oh I also got a car a few weeks back.

"No we aren't chillax" I said siting inside Turing the engine I could already feel angry eyes on the side of my face, Alexander crossed his arm angry.

"Your so hormonal" I muttered driving away from our soon to be home, Alec gasped dramatically "I am not hormonal I am perfectly one you dick!" He screamed making me roll my eyes.

"Ugh you aggravate me Laurens" he groaned scrolling through his phone probably texting Hercules or Lafayette.

"Love you to hubby" I said turning red when I noticed what I said he laughed "I hope your not proposing while I'm angry at you" he said as I scoffed.

My phone began to ring as I was in the highway driving to the hospital "babe, can you pick up my phone for me?" I asked keeping my eyes on the road.

"No" he said coldly scrolling through his Instagram feed "stop being a bitch and pick up my phone" I said dominate laced in my voice.

"Stop being a bitch and pick up my phone" he mocked remind me of the spongebob meme as he picked up my phone "hello?" He said.

Alexander POV
"JOHN WHERE ARE YOU?" Lafayette said screaming in my ear making me flinch.

"Wrong it's Johns boyfriend!" I said laughing at him as he took a deep breath "BRIAN WHERE ARE YOU?" I gasped slapping John in the arm while putting laf on speaker.

"Owww Lexi I'm driving" John whines, "who the fuck is Brian" I said giving him death stares "I don't know a Brian Alexander" he said.

"Better be fucking with me Lafayette" I grumble having a mood swing which became a regular thing this month although id be to upset sometimes to admit I'm wrong.

"I am kidding chill lexi, I just wanted to know if your having a gender reveal party?" He asked as I looked at John with widen eyes "no where no-" John started as I shushed him cutting him off "we will meet us in the house at 7?" I said as he hummed in response hanging up.

"What the the heck we don't have a party planned Alex!" He said turning frustrated clothing the wheel as his knuckles turned white "it wouldn't be hard tell someone to pick up food and we could get quick decor after we know the gender" I shrugged as he sighed "fine".

When we arrived to the hospital I immediately had to go to the bathroom feeling as if i would explode if I didn't, being pregnant is hard us people (woman) don't get enough credit for it.

A few minutes later my name was called "Alexander Hamilton?"
I stood up from the chair following the nurse, it has been a while since I've came inside the hospital nostalgia was shooting through my body.

When we made it to Dr.Mannings room I walked inside noticing the same posters and the same seat I once cried in but now this baby was my biggest miracle and blessing, "welcome back Alexander" she greeted and looked at John.

"John" she greeted fixing her glasses awkwardly "Martha" he greeted back looking at the floor, god after all this time they still had that awkward ex feeling when yours round or y'all to your ex and act like you didn't date and act a sad your cool.

"Now I would like for you Alex to allay in the machine as I say things up for y'all" she said I noticed she had an accent with certain words I stood up climbing in the machine with some help from John "thanks" I said pecking his cheek quickly.

He stood next to me as Martha put on gloves "pull your shirt up" she said making me bite my lip, yes she's my doctor but that's not going to stop me from being so insecure I gave John a look as he nodded I pulled my shirt up looking away embarrassed.

She placed some gel on my stomach making me wince "uff that's cold" I joked as she smiled "Yeah tends to be" she said dimming the lights in the room turning on the what I assumed the monitor.

She placed a thick stick in my stomach moving it around on screen we err Abel to see a baby siting in my stomach in black just in white curled up I was in awe at the sight.

Martha moved the stick making the monitor make a noise "that's the heartbeat" she said as we heard the healthy thump as I looked at John who had tears in his eyes holding my hand.

She moved more showing all the babies body parts as I was still in awe at the sight I already loved them so much "so now for the gender" she said moving the stick making me feel un easy and scared.

"It's a boy" she said making me cry a little "a boy?" I repeated looking at John, Martha hummer in response John and I made eye contact smiling at each other Martha unhooked the device cleaning my stomach walking out to print the ultrasound.

"A boy" John repeated with a lovesick look in his emerald green eyes "a boy" I repeated as well "our little boy" he said kissing my hand I nodded.

Our boy

A/n: I HIT 4K AHHHH THANKS SO MUCH TO ALL OF YOU, i was also 2 in mullete thanks so much, and I've noticed some of you have been trying this book quickly like wow I'm flattered with the commitment.

A/n: I HIT 4K AHHHH THANKS SO MUCH TO ALL OF YOU, i was also 2 in mullete thanks so much, and I've noticed some of you have been trying this book quickly like wow I'm flattered with the commitment

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Shoutout to HuskyGirl15 Ayame-may-ackerman HAMILY1097 Iluvmehdedgayson because they read my trash book I'm assuming in a day and spammed like that's to sweet - Cris💗💫

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