Chapter 13

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John POV
"Jonathan to the principals office" John heard through the loud speaker he completely forgot he was supposed to be touring a new student.

He slammed his locker and groaned knowing he looked the least presentable in his flannel and paint covered converse.

John made his way to the office passing by Alexander he felt his heart swell when he noticed Alex wearing a skirt.

Alexander smiled and walked closer to John "You like it? I do think I look flattering in baby blue Jackie" he whispered teasing John.

"Agreed" he mumbled walking closer as the students rushed to there lockers and respected classrooms his hands on Alexander's hips.

Alexander leaned in for a kiss but were interrupted when the loud speaker screamed again "John to the main office immediately"

John put his finger on Alexander's soft lip backing away slowly "to be continued" he whispered seductively walking away leaving Alex helpless with butterfly's in his stomach.

John ran to the main office which was suprising because running wasn't his thing when he made it he rushed into Kings office ignoring the secretary.

"I'm s-so sorry Mr.King there were lots of student in the halls-" John rambled as he hurried to sit down not daring to lift his head up from the floor he was facing.

"John it's okay, I would like you to meet Francis Kinloch"

John automatically made his head snap up meeting the wonderful blue eyes he saw just yesterday.

"Hello Jonathan" Francis beamed making Johns head spin with emotions and joy

John smiled almost forgetting what Francis said "That's not my name"

"Seems like you too have met already" King winked making John blush a light pink to his cheeks and ears

"We met at the paint supplies shop on downtown" John whispered tucking a loose strand of hair back into its bun.

King smirked "well John I would like you to show Mr.Kinloch around mostly to the law building" John nodded standing up getting his bag

Francis followed John with smirk when they were finally outside walking in the hallway side by Side John began to speak "Y'know I thought I wouldn't ever see you again" he said looking straight ahead

Francis chuckled "it was faith baby!"

John smiled pointing out things while walking down the halls "These are trophies from all the clubs, debate, swimming team, Basketball team" he rambled slightly scared he was boring him

"I could listen to your voice all day it's kinda like-" Francis paused thinking "Milk and honey" he said making John go completely red

He started to walk outside the main building and into the law building doing exactly what king asked "I thought you were a art major" he said feeling hurt that he was lied to.

"I'm not an art major although I do, do art" he shrugged

"You could have told me"

"I wanted you to like me, I was slightly turned dumb when I met you, you were just so vibrant and beautiful" he complemented not looking at him when he spoke

"Well I could say the same for you Francis" John stated playfully elbowing him

Francis smiled genuinely watching John continue the tour.

Alex POV
When John left I stood there for about 2 minutes trying to understand and collect my thought on what just happened?

How dare he play with my feelings and leave me helpless and a blushing mess? That was my job!

I smoothed my skirt out and made my way to debate I wasn't in the mood for my stomach felt like it was going crazy, because I'm pregnant of course

I nodded along watching people walk by as I made my way to the law building I walked by some of the Schuyler sisters gagging until I heard them scoff

"Your not to hot either" Eliza commented her sisters beside her, I swear they all stand in order it's weird

"Still fucked you and your sister though" I commented winking at Angelica and Eliza

Peggy looked as if she was going to loose her shit and I was honestly scared of her so I just quickly walked away opening the doors to debate and I luckily wasn't late

I let out a content breath and made it to my seat next to Aaron burr "Aaron burr sir" I greeted watching him tense and roll his eyes

"Alexander Hamilton" he greeted putting his pencil down

"Must you always say sir after my name" he complained watching Thomas smirk at me

"No but it's funny to see you mad" I giggled unwrapping a piece of gum I stole from Aaron's desk and popping it into my mouth

He groaned and snatched the gum away from me "Decent humans ask permission I bet you don't steal things from your boyfriend" he argued

I rolled my eyes "as if John cares one bit about me taking something we get along just fine" I stated putting my feet on the desk showing off my black converse

Jefferson sat up and smirked at me and Aaron busted out laughing.

"What are you smirking at Jeffershit and Burr what's the joke" I asked confused crossing my arms

"Oh nothing" he laughed as Aaron wiped tears from his eyes.

"I want to know" I protested feeling angry

"Well you admit Johns your boyfriend" he said causing me to blush bright red which of course made them laugh even harder at me.

"I fucking hate this school" I mumbled waiting for Washington the head of the debate club to walk in

Instead John and a very attractive boy walked in "Oops sorry guys I didn't know you were in here" John apologized

I furrowed my eyebrows noticing how close he was to John

Who the hell was this mysterious kid next to John?

A/N: so I posted again, just been feeling extremely inspired and all but I hope you like this chapter - Cris 💞💫

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