Chapter 14

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Johns POV
Me and Francis traveled around campus together with me occasionally showing him things that were important in my opinion.

"Aren't you hungry?" He asked turning to look at me wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Y-yeah?" I said feeling flustered covering my face with my long coat sleeves.

"We should order pizza and hangout!" He said smiling at me removing my sleeves from my face

I nodded and grabbed his hand with all the confidence I could muster and pulled him towards the dorm.

"Someone's eager" he winked I looked back at him "Shut up"

Alex POV
Who the hell was that guy? And why was he standing so closed to John like that?

I put my head down hearing faint giggles from Thomas and Aaron
"Who is that with Johnny" Thomas teased dipping over to play with my ponytail

"Get off me you cunt" I hissed standing up causing them to laugh at me even more

I marched out the debate room to go to my dorm room I was far to upset and in pain to deal with them today Washington would understand I thought

I zipped on my grey coat and walked outside exiting the building I walked until I made it to my dorm.

I unlocked the door to see John and Francis siting on the couch tangled in each other watching a movie.

John heard me step in putting my coat on the hanging rack he twisted his head to look at me "Hey Lexi" he smiled

"Francis, Alexander, Alexander Francis" John says leaning to grab another slice of pizza.

"Hey" Francis greeted looking at me uneasy "Hello" I said walking over to John pulling him up "can I talk to you really quickly"

He nodded wiping his hands on a napkin "I'll be back" he says making Francis nod and grin turning back to the movie.

"What?" John asked slightly annoyed when I pulled him into the hallways which lead to the rooms.

"Who the fuck is that" I spat "I told you already it's Francis" he rolled his eyes making my blood boil

John seemed to dominate over me standing taller "my friend who I actually like"

"Why didn't you tell me he was coming here" I asked

"Because it's none of your concern, I have every right to watch a movie with a friend before warning you! You act like we're fucking on the couch" he whispered yelled trying not to alarm Francis in the living room.

I stomped my foot not knowing what to say after John made me feel flustered which I hated he had such control over me "I'll be in my room" I muttered stomping away angrily.

John POV
I let out a sigh that boy was always so moody I thought, I walked back into the living room seeing Francis sat up on the couch with a blanket on his lap.

"Is everything okay John?" He asked his South Carolina accent thick

"Y-Yeah everything is cool" I said siting next to him getting under the blanket watching the hunger games flash on the television.

Francis put his arm around Laurens pulling him closer to his chest "I've been meaning to ask you something" he spoke looking at John lovingly.

"What's up?" John said reaching for a Oreo still under Francis embrace

Francis looked at John in the eye seriously "So... I really like you and I couldn't stop thinking about you after that day in the Art shop and this second chance feels like destiny" he said pausing "would you like to go on a date?" He asked finally watching John closely

John blushed tucking a piece of hair back into his messy bun and nodding but than remembering to use his words "Yes" he said smiling but slightly biting his lip he looked back to see Hamilton standing there watching them.

"Don't mind me I'm heading out, see you later" he said mostly talking to John as he grabbed his coat and walked out in sweat pants instead of the skirt from earlier.

John felt guilty but brushed it off by laying on Francis chest continuing to watch a movie with complete bliss

Alex POV
"I fucking hate that franny kid" Alex yelled pacing around Lafayette and Hercules dorm room angry

"Francis" Hercules corrected Alex for the 5th time tonight

"Whatever" he mumbled finally sitting on a couch across from Hercules and Lafayette

"Mom ami if it bothers you so much that's why don't you tell John" he pleased beginning to get impatient with Alex's constant ranting

"Because than that shows I care and I don't care"

"That literally makes no sense" Hercules sighed rubbing his eyes tired

"I know it doesn't" Alex whines close to crying from being so tired and in pain all day, he rubbed his stomach

"I just never felt this way before yknow? I'm such a mess of emotions" he whined even more slumping off the couch

Lafayette exchanged looks with Hercules "it's fine but if I didn't know any better I'd think you'd have a crush on John" he said smirking at Alex

"No chance no way, that's totally inappropriate he is the father of my child that would just complicate things" he said shaking his head at them

"Are you sure?" Lafayette teased slightly serious though

Alex looked at Lafayette as he was stupid "of course I am John could go mess with Francis for all I care" Alex spat feeling his chest tighten at the thought of someone else touching his John.

Lafayette and Hercules both nodded suspecting something else form there friends.

Alex stood up stretching grabbing his ice coffee off of Hercules and Lafayette's coffee table "goodnight boys" he said walking out the dorm room and straight outside in the cold air.

Alexander took out a cigarette wanting to feel the smoke run through his body "oh wait I'm pregnant" he remembered throwing the cigarettes across the street in frustration, he took out his phone texting Washington

Alexander: Could I stay over ?

Washington: of course the door is always open for you

He smiled and put his phone away looking up at the sky

Could it be possible that he liked john?

A/N: Heyy literally just made a whole joke with aleiry4 about a newborn Phillip tuning over Francis and than Hercules and Lafayette turning into a sun goddess, Lmfaooo how are you guys what's your idea on Francis ? - Cris 💞💫

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