Chapter 9

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Alex POV
That bit of sanity and in control I had inside of me all went down the drain, my world turned upside down and everything felt dizzy or like deja vu.

Martha has left me in the office alone. I cuddled my legs closer to my chest and was careful with the bump, I was ignoring everyone's calls.

I wasn't even upset or mad I was just numb and if I wanted to cry I couldn't or wouldn't ?

John Laurens? The child of my baby it made so much sense the night we had sex it was so sudden I kinda just threw myself on him, god I felt so stupid.

My heart felt like it was trying to tear its self out of my body , trying to break free from my rib cage but even with all of that I just felt numb.

Like my world crumbled to the ground but after all those thoughts my next thoughts were how the hell do I tell John ?

John was a kind understanding person but this isn't something like me burning a pot or that one time I broke a vase this is a human growing in my stomach that's connected to both of us.

I sunk deeper into the plastic chair letting out a sign feeling the thick tears bubble up in my eyes waiting for me to blink so they could fall.

I clicked my phone on and decided to text Lafayette to pick me up from the hospital.

Alex: Laff can you please pick me up from the hospital?

Lafayeet: Yeah totally, you alright?

Alex: Yeah i just got the DNA results :\

Lafayeet: On my way!

I locked my phone and sat up and gave small smiles to the people passing by I also hugged myself almost as an act to cover the small bump.

I felt so self conscious almost like everyone knew but of course no one knew or gave a shit if I was pregnant or not.

Johns POV
"Peggy I'm freaking the fuck out" I yelled into the phone at Peggy I decided to call her since Alex wasn't home and I was worried for my friend, friend ?

"John! Calm down it's okay he maybe stuck in traffic or something?!" Peggy yelled back in act to beat my voice from all my screaming of nonsense.

"But he's not in a car, we are broke college students we don't own cars" I screeched feeling even more frustrated by the second

"Well he's getting the DNA results maybe he's like shocked on who it is or went to go tell them right after ?"

I shook my head and sighed "He would have told me" I whispered feeling betrayed, maybe he didn't tell me ?

"Well he isn't really your boyfriend he's your roommate, he doesn't need to tell you honestly" she lowered her voice

"Don't remind me" I groaned , I kept going back in forth on our messages he haven't even looked at the new ones I've sent!

"Well if your so worried about Alex call him and ask What's up?" She said almost like a question

"Okay..." I answered

"I have to go to night classes, talk to you later Johnny" she said as she hung up not giving me a chance to say bye

I set my phone down on my night stand sliding under the covers I looked at the time 6:40 pm I shook my head and layed there staring up at the sky blocked from my white ceiling.

I looked at my phone and saw it was ringing I was probably dazing off to the point were I couldn't hear it I didn't bother at looking at the name and quickly answered it.

"Hello?!" I said slightly hoping it was Alexander

"Hey dude !" I heard Hercules cheerful voice ringing in my ear

"Oh it's you" I sighed sitting up disappointment written on my pale face.

"Well hello to you to Jonathan" he said sarcastically

"That's not my name!"

"Whatever! Where's Alex he isn't picking up his phone he said he was doing the test today" he said showing how worried he really was for Alexander

"I don't know he said he would be home but it's been hours since he said that to me" I sighed shaking scared almost

"That's weird" Hercules muttered slowly

I ran my hand through my ponytail to tame it since I was lying down on it making it frizzy.

"Did you ask Lafayette or Washington" I asked

"Well Lafayette hasn't heard from him and I'm not going to ask Washington he hasn't even told him he's pregnant" he whispered the last part for effect

My eyes widened, why wouldn't he tell the father of the baby ? And why wouldn't he tell him even before the test to ?

"W-we'll I'll call you back if I hear anything herc" I stuttered

"Okay goodnight mate" he said turning cheerfully again

I hung up the phone and threw it across the room letting it fall on my spinning chair next to my desk.

I walked to the kitchen to make a sandwich because I literally eat like a child no tomatoes no lettuce just cheese and occasionally ketchup.

I took out my ingredients and began to make them when I felt the door jiggle with a key getting pushed in I froze knowing it was Alexander

I felt heavy exhausted footsteps walk in the tiny living room connected to the kitchen turning my head slowly to get a peek of a very tired and obvious crying Alex.

"Hi John" he whispered his voice weak he sat on the counter and scrolled through his phone waiting for it to turn on.

"Hey Alex...H-how was it?" I asked pretending to put focus in my sandwich.

"It was interesting" he said facing up but not looking at anything exactly

"Oh?" I said not finding the right words

"We need to talk" he said looking at me dead in the eyes.

A/N: HAII, I've ghosted on ya a bit sorry? But read my friends Bunny's book aleiry4 it's so good in my opinion but what's new ! - Cris 🔗💕

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