Chapter 19

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Alex POV
I knew Francis was messed up I knew it from the beginning of him sitting in my couch having his arm around John.

It's been a few hours since John confessed and he was a mess in pure stress (omg that rhymed) locked into his room with the Schuyler sisters.

Lafayette and Hercules had to leave early since they were going to catch a flight to France tomorrow for winter break. How fast the time goes I thought.

I wanted to be there for John and will as soon as the Schuyler's leave I soundly want to interrupt "there moment" as Eliza put it as.

So right now I was running through the grocery store getting all of Johns favorite snack...okay maybe mine but he wouldn't mind ?

I stood in line to pay my things, when I
Saw a familiar bald head "Aaron burr sir" I said tapping who I assumed was burr on the shoulder.

"Jesus Christ Hamilton go away" he groaned turning around to face me as we both waited in line.

"Technically I didn't follow you so your own fault for coming here" I grinned
knowing the fact I was annoying Burr was satisfying he was so easy to bother.

"Well I haven't seen you in debate" he said looking at Me up and down.
"And you put on some weight" Aaron teased putting his eggs in the counter to pay.

"Oh that's because I'm pregnant" I said casually forgetting that it's a secret between me and some people.

"WHAT?!" He screamed dropping his eggs off the counter.

"Uh I'm kidding.." I tried to clear up but Aaron shook his head stopping me.

"Clean up in isle 4 please" echoed through the tiny grocery store.

"I should have known, it was
So obvious!" He said watching me pay for my items.

"It wasn't that obvious" I said looking at my stomach watching my 2 month belly fall and raise from my breathing.

Aaron watched my stomach "could I?... Never mind" he said looking away embarrassed, "no tell me" I pleaded taking my bags in my hand while I walked outside next to Burr

"Could I touch your stomach, yknow for the baby" he pointed blushing in embarrassment, I chuckled and nodded.

Aaron reached out when I quickly grabbed his hand stopping him "only if you promise to not tell anyone" he nodded reaching while I squeezed harder "not even Thomas or Madison, this will ruin me!"  I warned.

"I promise" he said giving me a honest and warm smile, I let go of my hand letting his caress my stomach.

"Who would have thought, Alexander Hamilton pregnant ?" He chuckled letting go of my stomach.

I smiled walking towards the dorms "tell me about it" I said rolling my eyes.

I'm glad I had this moment with Aaron burr it showed we didn't have to be enemies just like Peggy, there a possibility we could be friends.

Johns POV
I sat on the beanbag hugging myself I stopped crying  and it came to explaining, oh how much I hated explaining it the touches and the kisses and the false dates.

"So did he like?" She paused making a sex movement with her hands "yknow"

I sighed feeling numb again "Yes Peggy he did" i admitted

She gave me a sympathetic face, I didn't need her pity I hated everyone treating me like I'm some freak I felt a hand rubbing my fingers.

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