Chapter 12

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Alex POV
Alexander unlocked the dorm room door feeling his legs killing him from the pressure of his bump he's almost 2 months pregnant and he already felt his stomach growing.

"John" he called out from across the house to see if he was home "Inside my room" he yelled back Alex threw his coat across the room taking his phone out his pocket and walking to his room checking messages.

Lafayeet: how do you cut a bread sideways or straight down?

Well of course he choose to ignore some messages

Washington: did you make it to your dorm room yet?

Alexander: yes I did I'm in my room

Alex placed his phone back into his pocket and walked into Johns room being careful to not step on paint.

"Hey Alexander" he muttered happily

"Well hello sunshine? You seem in a good mood why?" He asked surprised

"I met someone" he said turning around to look at Alex with a smile on his freckled face.

Alex raised an eyebrow "who?"

"Well there name is Francis and they just moved here there also an art major and there so sweet and charming" John gushed making Alexander's heart clench he didn't know why but he felt so weird.

"Oh" he said sitting on Johns beanbag in the corner of his room, "well I'm glad I guess" he said trying his hardest to convince John he didn't care but he actually cared a lot.

"Yeah too bad I didn't get there number, I feel so stupid now" John muttered continuing to paint away on his easel

"Well do you know what college they go to" Alexander asked hoping it was a no

"N-no, but they have to live around here right?" he asked feeling almost sad there might not be a chance for him to see Francis again.

"I don't know what to tell you, Johnny" he said faking sympathy as he scrolled through his phone.

"Well it's alright, things happen for a reason" he shrugged feeling disappointed.

Alexander smirked "your right"

John POV
Of course John heard the fake in Alexander's voice but of course he wouldn't bring it up to make things more awkward I mean dude if you don't care than don't try to!

He continued to paint on his easel with his new green paint drawing a park with various colors of green every green he touched reminded him of Francis his dark black hair and how it flopped on his forehead when he ran his hands through them.

He sighed to bad he didn't have his number or school! He waited for Alexander to leave his bedroom before he would make a call to his favorite Schuyler sister,Peggy,

"Hey Johnny boy! What's up" her voice ringing in his ears

"Nothing much just doing some art, I got new paint from that paint shop downtown" he said hearing Peggy gasp

"What ?! Aren't those like super expensive?" She screeched making John cringe

"Yeah" he laughed

"Lucky bastard" she whispered than going off hearing level to whisper to someone

"Is someone there with you lesbo?" He asked referring to Peggy

"No! Of course not just my sister" she panicked clearly lying to John

"Alright.." he paused "I met someone" he hummed in the phone than switching to putting it on speaker to draw on his board

"Really who?" She asked

"A guy, his name is Francis.. he's super nice and totally attractive"

"Well seems like my boy has a crush" she teased him

He turned red he knew Peggy couldn't see him but she would know anyway from his breathing hitching in his throat "N-no not like that" he mumbled

"Yeah okay" she said noticing John was lying

"I'm serious" he groaned putting his paint brush down as he got artist block


John groaned even louder feeling frustrated "talk to you later" John said hanging up

John hung up quickly throwing his phone on the beanbag Alexander was siting in earlier

He didn't understand why he was upset honestly he knew he had a crush on Francis he just felt like he was being dishonest to Alexander yet again there not together.

Alex POV
Alexander walked into his room and slide down at the door frame, John having a crush on a dude he just met? That pissed Alex off

I mean he doesn't care but John dating someone that just ripped his heart apart must be hormones he has been moody.

Just yesterday he snapped at Hercules for combing his hair a different direction.

Yeah he was super pregnant the word would be super offensive but it was the only way to describe Alexander.

"ALEXANDRE, OPEN THE DOOR" Lafayette screamed banging on Alexander's bedroom door, he was so lost in thought he didn't hear him enter

Alexander stood up and moved back to carefully open his door "Hey laf" he said watching Lafayette walk in followed by Hercules "and herc?" He said confused

"You know it's not all about Lafayette!" He yelled getting defensive suddenly

"Chill what's wrong mulligan"

Lafayette rolled his eyes as we watched Hercules drop down on the floor pouting like a child

"He doesn't feel included" Lafayette said putting quotations on included

I laughed "what do you mean?"

"He's upset about everyone putting my name first"

"NO ITS JUSTS WHY IS IT ALWAYS LAFAYETTE AND HERCULES AND NEVER HERCULES AND LAFAYETTE" he screamed causing John to knock on his wall to make us shut up

"Did you seriously come to disturb me for this?" Alex sighed

"No, we came to visit and talk to our beloved friend" Lafayette said siting next to Hercules which caused Hercules to shuffle away making Lafayette roll his eyes again at his boyfriend

"Well I'm fine nothing new just had a chat with Laurens about his new friend" he scoffed thinking about this guy John spoke about

"Jackie has a new friend" Lafayette said wiggling his eyebrows at Alexander

"Barf, but he made it seem like a crush" Alex said playing with the doorknob still standing next to the door

Lafayette exchanged a look with Hercules "and how does that make you feel?" Lafayette asked trying to get a answer out of Alex

"I don't know I just feel moody and awkward" he stated looking away

"Alright" Hercules hummed looking at Lafayette

With just a few exchanges of looks they both could tell Alexander had a thing for Laurens but he didn't know yet

A/N: woaaah another update in less than a few days it's a miracle? Lmfaooo but again thanks for 1K I cannot thank you enough - Cris 💕💫

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