Chapter 34

586 21 3

Month 8

John POV
Alexander was growing bigger and becoming more angry and emotional than ever although I didn't mind I loved him to much to be annoyed.

Right now we were finishing decorating our baby boys room, Alexander had an obsession with everything being perfect, the Schuyler's Hercules and Lafayette came to help around.

"No herc move it to the wall under the teepee thing" Alex screamed as Lafayette and Hercules moved the crib under the teepee while mumbling under their breaths I chuckled hooking the P under the teepee above the crib.

"What name did you guys choose" Eliza asked organizing all of the baby's clothes as Alex sat on the chair by the wall in the room "Phillip" Alex and I said in unison.

"Awwe that's cute" Peggy cooed hanging up a framed picture of the ultrasound we got just a month ago "why Phillip though?" Angelica asked confused "why not I like the name" Alexander snapped making Peggy chuckle.

"Chill babe, she was just asking" I said walking over pressing a kiss to his forehead I could feel Eliza's eyes on me, sometimes I get the feeling she still has a small crush on Alex but he's clearly off the market.

We all stepped out of the room slightly to take a good look of how everything turned out, the room was beautiful something out of Pinterest almost. (Bitch cause it is)

"Fuck, where good" Hercules commented as all of us nodded our heads in agreement except Alexander making me worry, last time he didn't agree with something he made me make his sandwich all over again which was aggravating.

"Do you like it Alex?" I asked everyone peeking over to see his face all worried he wouldn't like it "I love it" he said hugging my waist as he smiled "thank goodness" Lafayette whispered making us giggle as we walked to the living room.

"Well we should get going" Angelica said as her younger sisters nodded "bye Besties" Peggy said hugging Alex and I.

"We should leave to" Lafayette said as Hercules grabbed his hand "alright see you guys later" Alex said waving as they walked out our door closing it behind us.

Alex and I immediately fall on each other on our gray couch way nicer than the one we had in our old dorm "what a long day" I mumbled "same" he replied making me cock my head towards him "you didn't do shit" I said as he chuckled "it was stressing watching you guys though".

"Im glad you like the room at least" i said caressing his arm as he hummed in response he grabbed my phone "lex that's my phone" I said as he nodded "yeah I know" oh well ok.

I didn't have a problem with Alexander on my phone I didn't have anything to hide and never will I twirled my promise ring on my left finger as he unlocked my phone having a fingerprint.

I played with his hair as he scrolled through my phone doing whatever he wants on my phone probably blowing my phone with pictures of himself.

Alexander POV
I looked through Johns phone, not because I don't trust him just because his phone was far more interesting than mine.

I stumbled upon his text messages seeing some suspicious text messages, okay calm down Alex it could be something else...

Gale: I miss you lots <33

Turtle: Awwe I miss you more <33

"Who the fuck is this?" I asked siting up as in distancing John from me as I showed him his gold phone "whos what?" He asked confused, "don't act stupid" I sassed.

I threw the phone at him it landing on his chest as he unlocked it looking at the messages and laughing "oh so it's funny?" I said crossing my arms almost tearing up, but no your better than that Alex.

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