Chapter 10

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John Laurens POV

I dropped my half made sandwich and looked up at Alexander "O-oh okay? Whats up" i asked hoping it would be something about not being with all those people he has sex with

he took a deep breath and looked me in the eye "So you know how I'm uh pregnant" he said pushing down the tears as i came closer to him to caress his arm.

"Well yeah no duh" i smiled sympathetically

"And i was at the hospital getting the results..." he said dragging out the process his hands shaking in his lap

"You don't have to talk now" i said knowing that this was definitely bothering Alex as to who the father was.

"NO.. i need to it will ruin our life's " he said letting the tears fall onto his rosy pale cheeks

"Wait, who's lives?" i asked my eyebrows knitting together in confusion

"OURS" he sobbed at this point i still gave him that confused look removing my hand from his arm to caressing his hand with my thumb

"John, don't you get it?' he said in disbelief and frustration

i shook my head trying to get it, he sobbed even more scaring me and causing me to rub his soft hand faster with my thumb in a act to calm him down.

"Its" he took a long pause to collect himself and wipe the tears away before he spoke again "Its your baby john" he finally said looking at me scared for a reaction.

i dropped his hand slowly and walked backwards into a stool next to the counter alexander was siting on


Alexander POV


i looked for another reaction he was just shocked? shouldn't he be angry upset?

"Oh?" i repeated confused crossing my arms to keep them from shaking like earlier

"I mean... i'm just surprised" he said playing with a string on his shirt looking down avoiding any eye contact at all  (A/N: i started singing XD)

i sighed relief that he wasn't mad at me "So what do we do?" i asked nervously

John POV

i looked down and thought of it, so this baby was mine and alexanders i really don't want him to get a abortion just because its unfair.

"well you don't want the baby right? I asked respectfully

He shook his head almost a lost at words which was weird ?

"How do you feel about carrying a baby" I asked pointing to his stomach
Was I thinking this through ? If Alexander carries the baby he wouldn't want it could I take care of the child myself ?

"It wouldn't be horrible I don't mind" he said blushing at how awkward this conversation was.

I took a deep breath running over my plan again before opening my mouth to speak.

"If you carry the baby t-than I will take full custody over the child" I said stuttering a bit

Alexander looked in shock he played with his fingers and nodded.

"So kinda like co-parenting?" He asked cocking his head to the side finally looking up

I shifted my feet "I mean it would be nice if you could take weekends"

Alexander nodded thinking about all the free time lost before grinning "deal"

He hopped off the counter top rushing to his room.

(Time skippppp)

Alex POV
I walked side by side to class with John I've been noticing we were getting along quite nicely since I haven't been leaving the house as much as I used to which was mainly our first arguments.

"So..have you told anyone" John asked me playing with his backpack strap

I looked up at him and shook my head "No , well only Lafayette and Hercules but they were there so" i said shrugging my shoulders

"Did you tell anyone?"

"Only the Schuyler's" he said looking forward. I stopped in my tracks

"The Schuyler's?" I said almost disgusted "Like Angelica,Eliza and Peggy?" I said looking at John who walked towards me were I stopped

"Yeah.." he said rubbing his neck becoming nervous

"why would you tell them?" I asked feeling angry as people walked by us snickering .

"Well there my friends" he said looking me in the eyes beginning to feel less nervous

I put more fire in my stare but John didn't react which made me extra mad, I shook my head and started to walk towards my next class "See you Jonathan" I mumbled angrily

"Hey! That's not my name!" He shouted getting sucked into the sea of college students

I ignored him and continued to walk to my law class I walked inside taking my seat that was sadly next to Thomas Jefferson.

"Hey Lexi~" he cooed making me gag honestly I don't think he knows what a one time thing is

"How's your STD?" He asked making me snap my neck towards him

"W-what? What do you mean Jeffershit"

"Don't play innocent now, the whole school knows you haven't been coming out your house it has to be for that reason!" He said rolling his eyes

" I do not have a STD you dick" I growled

"Yeah okay" he said rolling his o

"I'm serious Jefferson" I whispered yelled slamming my fist on the table causing Washington and some kids in the class to turn towards us.

"Is there a problem Mr. Hamilton" he asked lifting a eyebrow to him

"No sir" I mumbled looking away in embarrassment.

Jefferson chuckled "Fine if it isn't true what is it?" He asked

"I rather not speak about it" I said putting my attention on the lesson

"You know your roommate spoke badly about me" he said whispering in my ear

"He even screamed at James Madison, now I said this to him and I'll say it to you"

"Watch your back I'm going to make your life a living hell" he whispered harshly

Alexander's eyes widened he caught a glimpse of Washington glaring

College won't be easy for Alexander Hamilton at all.

A/N: Heyyyy I don't like this chapter but I think I'll be making a updating schedule soon and 900? Reads holy crap thanks guys - Cris 💞🔗

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