Chapter 7

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Johns POV
Sadly Hamilton hasn't been coming to school for the last 2 days and many are starting to get suspicious and make rumors about the scholar and why he isn't attending school

I sat in the back of my Art history class and although I loved heart I could care less if Leonardo Da Vinci made the Mona Lisa or not !

"Hey John" said a sweet voice followed by the curly haired James Madison

"hey Madison" I mumbled tuning out the professors voice

"How are you?" He asked flipping through his art history book landing on page 65

I still didn't look up and continued to mumble "Good" or just a simple "okay" I really wasn't in the mood lately

"how's your roommate... Alexander" he whispered slightly looking around as if someone would care to hear his giant secret that's Alex's name

"he's fine" I answered looking him straight in the eye this time and speaking clearly I don't know why I spoke like this but I felt like I was being attacked although I had no reason to feel so defensive

"Well rumor has it he has gotten a sexual transmitted disease for all the sex he has" he said whispering while looking for a reaction

Now that ticked me off he had no right to just assume things like that "Well James, no one talks about the times and places you have had sex at with Jefferson now do they?" I whispered yelled clutching my history book with pure build up rage

"And I don't think you have a right to spread such a rumor when we all know your cheating boyfriend has had many sex most likely with Alex ! So do me a favor and fuck off jemmy" I continued to whisper yell while turning back to the teacher leaving James with a shock face

Alex POV
Staying home is boring, when I was younger this was way more fun all I could do was think about how stupid I am and who the father was

But than another part of me thought about the future if I were to keep this child, how my future someone would look or my house and how I would tuck my sweet baby in there bed and whisper I love them over and over again

But that's besides the point because I'm not keeping this child anyway!

I heard a click of a door and a shuffle of a key and someone stepping inside with heavy foot steps leading into Johns room

I carefully got out of bed and walked towards his bedroom knocking slightly on his brown door "It's open" he yelled

I opened the door and stepped inside walking over to him siting, working on something in his desk

"what's up" I asked casually cringing from the strong tension

"nothing" he said monotoned, I nodded and sat on his beanbag slowly "You alright" I asked again tapping my knee from nervousness.

"Yes I am fine Alexander" he snapped making me let out a whimper and him turning around facing me feeling sorry

"I didn't mean to snap at you" he whispered running his delicate smooth hands through his curly hair that was out flopping on his shoulders

"it's okay, did something happen? B-but like you d-don't have to talk about it i-I'm just asking c-cause yeah?" I rambled feeling hot and red when I peeked at Laurens face smirking at me

"Someone said something that ticked me off not a big deal really!" He said clapping his hands together and laying them on his thighs

"oh okay, whatever they said I hope it wasn't to rude" I asked sympathy laced in my voice he looked at me and smiled

"It was rude but if I told you, you would get mad as well" he said spinning on his chair and facing his desk again, away from me,

"Wait what? Tell me" I begged feeling left out of this secret

"Nah it's better if I don't" He said letting his accent run through his voice

I wasn't hurt but I must have looked hurt because he after replied saying "I'm sorry I'm just doing it for your own good"

"I didn't ask for protection John" I huffed crossing my arms
"Well than stop acting like a baby and start making better choices"

I flinched at the word baby "I'm going through a lot John you know that" I whispered harshly

He shook his head and leaned back on his chair "who's the father Alexander"

I snapped my head towards him "what?"
"You ducking heard me, who's the father"
"I don't know" I mumbled
"Than you aren't going to be able to do an abortion , what if the father wanted the baby they'd be mad" he pointed out looking at the ceiling

John had a point "I don't care" I answered coldly

"You should can't you get like sued, but what I'm saying is figure who the father is abortion isn't the answer Alex"

I nodded my head and made a mental note to schedule a DNA test with Martha Mannings

John POV
Later that night Alex went to his room and left me alone with my thoughts I really hope that he makes a effort to not abort the child it's not there fault Alex and some dude were so immature
(A/N: honey you got a big storm comin)

I finally finished one of my drawing I've been working on it was a vibrant picture of some sort of technology human thing and I decided to name it as squip. It was more a double A for me and Hercules he can put the design on a shirt and I could color it and send it in as a project.

(Timeee skip brought to you by shitty author *jazz handz*)

Alex POV
I sat in the office chair waiting for Mannings to give me back the results I was very nervous if it came out to be Washington's he'd be furious since he doesn't want kids

And I don't either .... I think ?

I tapped my foot waiting and waiting I was beginning to become impatient as I continued to click in and out of my phone to look at the time

Than suddenly Martha Mannings walked in with a serious face holding a slip of paper "Are you ready for the results Mr.Hamilton ?"

A/N: hai I have writers block again 🤷🏻‍♀️ which sucks but update on my life if you care! My ankles better so no more crutches yay and I'm going to start to write more maybe weekly updates? And if you want to ask me something go ahead Pm me I'll always answer - Cris 💞🔗

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