Chapter 15

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John POV
I felt my heart beating out my chest, my foot banging up and down on the floor in excitement.

I'm finally going on a date with Francis, surely it will make me get over Hamilton for good (A/N: This broke my heart lol)

I waited for the professor to end his long lecture about some famous painting I wasn't even slightly interested in but that's college for you!

I clicked on my phone watching the time suddenly hit 3:00 Pm, I let out a satisfied sigh while standing up when the professor dismissed us.

I rushed out the classroom so fast I didn't realize until I bumped into someone, "I'm so sorry I wasn't looking" I stammered collecting my books.

"It's alright" a soft voice chuckled I looked up to see none other than Francis smiling at me "Francis!" I said surprised.

"You love bumping into people angel" he pointed out caressing my face to get my attention while I tried to collect my papers.

I blushed red avoiding eye contact as I remembered the first time we met, me bumping into him at the art shop.

When I had all my papers back in my arm Francis gave me a hand to pick me up "T-thanks" I whispered

"No problem" he said bopping my nose resulting in me giggling "Are you ready for our date ?" He asked lifting an eyebrow

"Yes but I would like to change and put my books down at my dorm" John explained holding Francis cold hand.

"That's fine, I'm in a bit of a hurry so I'll call you to pick you up love" he said kissing Johns hand swiftly and walking away leaving John helpless.

Alex POV
I woke up in a modern room bigger than my room way fancier and expansive- oh wait it's Washington's

"Well hello sleeping beauty" Washington sang

Bringing me a breakfast in bed tray with orange juice and pancakes on them, I glanced at the clock silently thanking him when he placed it in front of me "why did you let me sleep in so much" I said seeing the clock read 3:10

"Well you seemed so tired and upset last night" he stated unbuttoning his suit since he jut arrived from class.

I took a bite of the pancakes chewing and moaning in satisfactory of course Johns were better but they were still good.

"I'd make you moan louder" Washington said leaning to whisper in my ear

"Pervert" I said pancakes in my mouth as I chewed away , Washington laughed walking into his walk in closet

I quickly ate my pancakes and drowned my juice carefully getting off of Washington's comfy bed and going into the bathroom to get ready.

(Timeee skip)

I decided on a jumper and black skinny jeans if I'm honest none of the clothes that I leave at Washington's house are fitting me anymore, being pregnant makes everything difficult

I grabbed my wallet keys and phone and walked into the kitchen while Washington stood in front of the sink washing dishes.

"See you later WashingMachine" I said pecking his cheek and walking towards the door to leave tugging on my coat.

(Another time skippp)

I walked into my dorm room entering the key and turning it to open the door when I got in I threw my coat on the rack much like the other night.

"I'm home" I yelled through the house waiting for a reply "I'm in the room!" John yelled back making me immediately dash into his room.

"Hey Jackie" I said throwing myself on the beanbag near the door "hey Alex..." he said taking off his shirt making me turn pink "Whatcha doing?" I asked

"I'm changing, I have a date with Francis" he said looking through his closet for a shirt "oh Francis" I said feeling my heart tighten

"Yeah we are going right after I'm done changing" he said taking out a turtle neck walking over to the mirror seeing it.

"We're are you guy doing" Alex asked watching Johns bare freckles back almost like stars thrown on the sky.

"Well from what I know we are going to  a restaurant downtown" he stated pulling on the turtle neck and making his way to his drawers to find pants

Alex nodded taking out his phone to text Lafayette and Hercules

3 hoes group chat


HorseFucker: what do you need prego I'm busy

Laffayeet: yes we are busy

Hammy: oh hush you could get a blowjob later

HorseFucker: 🤦🏻‍♀️

Hammy: Johns going on a date and I need your help so I could stalk him

Laffayeet: wtf Ham that's weird

Hammy: that sounded better in my mind, but pleaseee

HorseFucker: I'm with laf that's weird

Hammy: herc I'll make sure everyone says Hercules and Lafayette

HorseFucker: dEaL!

Lafayeet: *sigh*

HorseFucker: c'mon laf help us

Lafayeet: *double sigh*

Hammy: come on!!! Please

Lafayeet: what's in it for me?

Hammy: I'll give you 2$ ?

Lafayeet: dEaL

HorseFucker: That was easy

Alexander chuckled at his friends and felt himself growing excited that he would make sure Francis didn't try anything with his John

"Well good luck on your date love" Alex winked making Laurens roll his eyes and he would be lying if he said that didn't hurt but he brushed it off with a fake laugh.

When Alex closed the door he immediately dashed to to the front door taking his jacket and keys opening and closing the front door slowly not wanting John to hear.

Incoming call from HorseFucker

"Hey Lexi we're outside in Lafayette's car!"

"Cool I'm going downstairs" Alex said rushing down the stairs opening the buildings large door seeing Lafayette's red car parked outside the dorms.

"Okay I see you guys" Alex said hanging up the phone and putting it in his jean pocket he opened the back door sliding in "Hello Hercules and Lafayette" Alex teased looking at Hercules.

"I see your already starting" Lafayette said sighing and rolling his eyes leaning back in the driving seat "he's making in effort at least" Hercules said crossing his arm causing Lafayette to roll his eyes again one day he'll get his eyes stuck Alex thought.

Alexander sat back in the back seat avoiding any attention trying to make the car as empty looking as possible to not make them look suspicious.

Right across the street from them parked a black car "guys look I think that's Francis!" Alexander pointed out making both Hercules and Lafayette snap there head towards across the street.

Francis came out the car twirling his keys around his finger going to the dorm he looked over to them making them all duck down along the car look empty, he shrugged it off and kept walking.

"That was close" Lafayette said after he disappeared into the building, a few moments later a happy Laurens holding hands with Francis came out the building.

Alex watched as he saw them get inside the black car, a tear escaped Alexander's eyes, Hercules looked back "Are you okay mate?" He asked causing Alexander to wipe it away quickly "yeah I am, just follow that black car!"

Hercules nodded feeling pity for Alexander if only he would admit he liked Laurens.

A/N: wow this chapter is 1220 words long the longest I've ever wrote! But how's your day?? What you think about Alexander's feelings? - Cris💫💗

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