The Hardest

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Mina's POV

I walk Happiness at the park as I just remember I run out Happiness food and that means I have to visit Tzuyu for that..
What a fate she called me.
"Hello, Mina.. do you have a free time?"
"Ohh.. Tzuyu .. I just wanted to go to your store now"
"Ohh really? Come here.. I am here"
"I know.. by the way.. why you called?"
"I wanted to ask you to company me to see dad.. he wanted to see you"
"Me? Why?"
"Cause you are his future daughter in law"
"Hahhaha Tzuyu"
"Be careful on your way.. I will wait here"
"Yes see you" I hung up as I walk to her store with Happiness..

Tzuyu still haven't give up on her crushes on me.. but I still can't accept her.. I don't know why it is hard now to love someone new as I always remember someone in my head.. that seems like a dream but I know it is not..

I am arrived at Tzuyu store..
"Hi, you are here" Tzuyu said as Happiness run to her.
"Hmmm.. I need Happiness food stock, Doc" I said as she smile..
"Take it.. as much as you want Mina" Tzuyu said.
"No, I don't have enough money to buy all stuff in this store anyway.. ahhaha" I giggled as Tzuyu laughed..
"You want some tea?" Tzuyu asked.
"Shouldn't we go to see your dad?" I asked.
"You just arrived.. and just relax first after taking this little Happiness walk" Tzuyu said
"Okay, sure I will" I said as she walk inside making me some tea..

I walk to take Happiness food and looking around her store while waiting for her..
She must be busy these days.. so many things and document at her office table.. she doesn't even have time to clean up?
I grabs some trash and throw it to the bin as I can see this girl is tired from working..
I tidy up her table full of paper and document..
But something stop me from moving is..
'Dr. Myoui' dad?
Why she has my dad profile..
I take a look of all the paper I am holding..

Dad profile..Mom profile.. Mine.. our accident article.. My college history.. My health form.. My eyes surgery form.. the bill of my academy fee.. my job form.. what is she doing?
And the last on her table..
Hirai Coorporation list.. Hirai Momo profile?
And a flight ticket to Taiwan.. hers and mine.
"Tzuyu ya.. what is this?" I shouted as she walk to me with a cup of tea..
"What?" She asked back as suddenly she looks startled that I grabbing all this files.

"Mina.. I can explain" she said.
"Explain what? Why are you digging my information? What is the related with Hirai Company? And what is with this flight ticket?" I said as Tzuyu freeze..but slowly she walk towards me and hold me while I look at her full of question..
Then she explain everything to me.. all of the document and relation of me and Hirai..

"And Mina, It is so hard for me telling you this.. I am sorry for telling you about this..and one more.. Momo is the one who came for me and bought Happiness for you..." Tzuyu said.
"What? Momo? Hirai Momo? Why....-" I confused
"Momo is your Girlfriend.. I mean Ex-girlfriend now.. you are with her all the time.. Moguri you know is Momo.. they are the same person" Tzuyu continue as I can't stop the tears falling down on my cheeks and Tzuyu pull me into her hug.

I have all those things running in my mind and
I just can't believe all of that as I grab all of the document running out from the store to the place I work.. wanted to find that girl..

I rush in the company as I see Momo as Moguri walking out with her secretary..
I run to her as sway my hand slapping her hard on her cheeks with a loud voice that make everyone look at us.. the hardest act I did to someone I love.. someone I adore so much.. and she is a liar...
"Mina" her crack voice answer the slap.
I throw all the paper to her and run out from the building with my burning heart and teary eyes..

To be continued....

Will update soon 😉😉

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