Just Like a Dream

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Mina's POV

I open my eyes... what I can see is flowers around me with people standing around me.. I look down to myself.. I found out I am wearing the dress I have been dreaming of wearing.. with a glamour heels on....standing on the green grass... as someone walk to me.. open up his arm for me to hold.. he looks at me and smile.. reminds me of dad.. he should be here.. but this man now.. who I am hold onto.. really resembles my dad.. he loves me as his own daughter.. I have hurt his feelings sometimes but he understand and take my hand as what will dad do to me..
"Mina, are you ready?" He ask me as I smile to him and nodded.

He starts to take a step into the red carpet infront of me.. leading me to take the same step.. while people eyes on us.. I follow the way he lead me.. the carpet lead me.. and the flowers lead me to.. until I look to the front.. someone with her big smile is waiting for me to come and take her hand.. its blurry.. since I still have walk from far to her along the aisle in my dream park..
I look around the people.. I see Nayeon who is waving at me and the person beside me.. she is like the older sister to me..even I am not seeing her around.. but sometimes she treats me just like her little sister..

And.... a person beside her is.. the person she adore.. Jeongyeon.. they made it to be together.. with long long story..
I look to the other side.. I see Sana... who is making a love sign to me cutely.. she is sometimes annoying but I can see that she is totally a girlfriend materials for the tall girl standing beside her..
Tzuyu.. the girl that used to run for me.. but she can't ignore Sana's cutest and they make it back together while me.....
Now.. here. Taking a step more closer to the girl I hate.. and I love at the same time..
I look at her.. as she looks at me can't wait for me to be there..
Momo.. Hirai... Momo.. I am not dreaming now..
Cause It feels just like a dream..
Tzuyu's Dad stop his step as I am standing infront of Momo..

He lets my hand go.. as he turn around to see me..
He holds my hand tightly..
"Mina, I know I can't replace him.. but you must know.. I love you like every dad does to his daughter.. and you are my daughter too..so.. now.. I have to let you go to the person you choose to be in your life forever" he takes my hand and grab Momo's hand and place mine to hers..
"Momo, there is no the third chance for you.. so make sure.. you wont ask me for that.. okay? I let you to take her.. means you must protect her for me" he said to Momo as she smile and nodded..

Uncle walk away from the stage as we start the ceremony..
We both look at each other while the father prepare..
"We will begin, from the bride.. Hirai Momo..  will you take Myoui Mina as your wife, protect her, take care of her, love her for the rest of your life?" Father ask Momo as I look at her.
"Yess.. I will" she said as she smiles at me..
"And the bride Myoui Mina.. will you take Hirai Momo as your wife, protect her, take care of her, love her for the rest of your life?" Father ask me.
"Yes I will" I said as everyone cheers..
"Now, may the brides put on the rings to each other" father said as Momo search for the rings..
"Where is it? Oh damn.. did I left it?" She said
"Are you serious?" I glared at her..

Suddenly.. Tzuyu run to us..
"Really stupid.. you forgot the important thing, Momo? Or you want me to put this on my hand and Mina's instead of you?" Tzuyu ask as she give Momo the rings.
"Tzuyu, you still want to live?" Sana shouted as people laugh while Tzuyu runs back to her place..
"I am sorry Mina" Momo said.
"Its okay as long as you won't forget which is your wife" I said as she smile.
"I won't" she said as she put the ring on my hand and I put if on hers.
"Now, may be brides kiss" the father said as Momo in a flash seal our lips together while I can hear the background ia cheering for us..

*the story before this scene will posted for the next chapter as a flashback.. sorry if its cofusing*

To be continued....

Sorry for long wait guys..
Will update soon 😉😉

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