The Ending Page

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* 5 years after*

Momo's POV

It has been 5 years me and Mina is together.. nothing really happened between us.. we just getting our little Mimo to the school.. and our siblings is married also has a little SaTzu with them..
Me.. I am here in the office looking through the windows.. as I am be grateful I got to be here.. I am happy to be here.. but sometimes I am just tired being busy and didn't have time to my family.. but again I am very lucky girl to have an understanding wife also my little Mimo..
"Mommy" someone brag into my room running still with his uniform on..
"Ohh you already done the class?" I bent down and lift him up on my arm..
"Why are you getting here? Why not go home?" I asked him..
"Umm.. I miss Mommy.. also me and mom have something to tell you.." Mimo said as Mina come in and close the door for me..

She walks towards us and pecks my lips..
"Ugh.. where is mine?" Mimo whine as we both kiss him..
"So what is it buddy?" I asked Mimo
"I want to get married like you and Mom" he said as I laughed..
"What is with this kid, Mina?" I look at my wife who is smiling at us..
"I don't know.. Mimoo.. what do you Mean?" Mina asked him as he pout..
"Ugh.. I want to have a house and work like mommy too then I will marry Satzu" he said as I startled.
"Eh? Satzu?" Mina and I look at him..
"Yes.. I want to play with her all my life.. like mom and mommy did.. I promise her already I will marry her.. people said that if we get married we can stay forever together" he said as I laughed..
"Oh my God.. why our kid is like this" I said as Mina take him from me.
"Mimo... Satzu is your cousin.. you can't marry her" Mina said
"But.. mommmmm I want to be with herr" then he cried..
"Ohhh.. no no.. don't cry baby.. come her mommy will buy you ice cream" I lift him as I am about to walk down my office cafeteria..
"Noooooo.. I want Satzuuuu" he shouted in tears as he can't stop whining..
"Hey.. sstt.. why are you crying.. boy shouldn't be crybaby.. how about yeonyeon? Be with her instead of Satzu" I said he get louder crying..
"Oh my God.. Mimo.. come here" Mina take him again from me..

"Sstt.. Mom has called Satzu to come.. wait don't cry" Mina said as I sighed..
"Oh God.. why he doesn't even look like you and me.. he really look like his aunt.. " I said
"Hmmm? Sana?" Mina asked as I nodded.
"He looks like you Momo.. a.. lot not Sana.." Mina said.
"Why me?" I said
"Why? Cause he is your child.." Mina glared at me as someone knock the door..
"Say hi to aunties Satzu" Sana came and Satzu bow to us while Mimo run to her.
"Sana, my son want to marry your daughter.. he said that" I said as Sana looks blank..
"Huh? How? Hahah.." Sana laughed suddenly as Satzu and Mimo now running around playing..
"Guys.. let's play outside.. aunty have to work" Sana said as Mina walk to her..

"Sana, can you help me to watch Mimo for a while I have to talk to Momo" she said as I could hear it.. then Sana nodded leaving us both in the office..
I walk to Mina and grab her waist..
"What is it babe? Sounds serious" I asked..
"Don't be startled... okay?" She said as she loop her hand on my neck.. then kissed me hard..
I kiss her back.. showing her that I am still falling in love with her everyday..
I grab her skirt but she grab my hand stop me and unlock our lips...
"Momo.. we can't do it from now.." she said as I stop and look at her confused.
"Mina.. what? Why??" I look at her as she grabs my hand and place it on her tummy.. then lean close to me..
"Mimo.. gonna have a siblings" she whisper as I look at her unbelieve..
"What again?" I said
"Why? You don't like it? You make it anyway.. you bad girl" Mina said as she pout..
"Ahh noo.. I like it.. but.. just really surprise.." I said
"Hmm.. I don't know how many child will make you feel enough" Mina said as she smile..
"A ton of it.. I don't mind" I said as I kiss Mina lock our lips together..
And we live happily ever after.. after the bitter fate between us.. still can't believe that I am in love with the girl whose fated to hate me.. but that hate turn into love after we realize our hand already and always be intertwined each other till forever..and just wanna tell you guys our second baby will named as Momi..
-Hirai Momo 😚

The End..

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Thanks for reading...

Don't be disappointed that the story is ended

Cause another Mimo is comming 😏😏
Just wait a little more.. I will have posting the new MiMo story..
See ya..

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