1- fresher than the bean

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Fully Edited
July 20th 2018
-aug 26th

Niall Horan

"Niall!" My mother yells from downstairs, waking me from one of the best sleeps I have had in a while. I roll over in the bed groaning trying my best to keep the thoughts of today off of my mind.

starting at a new school has been stressful enough without even attending yet. All of the paper work and moving has been a pain and I find myself exhausted although I still have much more to do. I huff once more before standing from the bed and begin stretching. Just from my awakening I can tell It's going to be a long day.

I get myself dressed into a pale yellow shirt t-shirt and black jeans. The shirt I chose is a beautiful pastel colour that I had to buy as soon as I seen it.

I slide my feet into my matching toms and try my best to fix my hair for the amount of effort I have for it, which isn't all that much today.

I walk into the kitchen and acknowledge my mother with a soft greeting as I pop a grape into my mouth.  She stands in her heels and dress pants eating her veggie bread that she swears models live on.

"Are you excited for senior year?" My mum asks as she takes another bite of her bread and dabs the corners of her red painted lips to rid them of crumbs.

"I am actually." I admit to her with a sheepish smile on my face. I haven't always been too good at making friends. When I was a child it came naturally, but as an adult? Lord help me. Despite missing my old friends I am determined to make just as many here in London.

"Thats great. I'm sure London will be the best for both of us." She says probably trying to comfort herself more than me.

"Are you nervous?" I ask knowing that she starts a new job today. I watch her raise an eyebrow at me and wipe her hands together as she swallows her last bite of the bread.

"I do not have to be nervous, Niall. I am great at my job, that is why I was hired here." She boasts as she pulls her matching red handbag over her shoulder.

"I can not see you off to school today, Niall. However I will see you after school." She says kissing my cheek before taking long strides to the door not listening to any of my complains of her red lipstick being printed on my cheek.

"Have a nice day." She calls as she shuts the front door leaving me in silence at the kitchen island.

I sigh and begin to eat more of the grapes as my eyes jump from unpacked box to unpacked box. Moving here with less than a weeks notice pushed stress into my mothers calm field. She was yelling and packing until midnight to get us situated for our move.

I'm grateful for having a mother with such a great motivational drive. I only hope that one day I can obtain the same trait.

I stand up from the island and sling my bag over my shoulder that contains all of my new notebooks and pens for the year.

Being a 4.0 gpa child I have already been placed to graduate last year but instead I insisted on taking one more year to push in some extra classes and credits.

I really do not need to take anymore classes as I have already been promised a spot at University of South London. But I still chose to have more classes so my choices wont become narrow in the future.

Realizing that I have ten minutes to walk to school I rush out of the door and down the street. Luckily for me it only takes me seven minutes to make my way to the school so I have an extra three minutes to find my locker and become familiar with my schedule.

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