27-what I can do to your life

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I open my messages and look at Harry's number, I look through  234 numbers now looking for a match in the bullying comments and contact book.

Group creator: 358-3917

I open Zayn's contact and read the number


"Take me to Zayn's." I speak knowing exactly what I'm getting myself into.


"Maybe we should just let it sett-"

"Take me there now or we wont ever talk again." I say clearly bluffing but Harry doesn't need to know that.

"Okay." He agrees quietly as I look through the group chat.

A new photo has been uploaded to the chat. I open it and look at the photo of Harry kissing me.

Noo Styles he's just a fag don't do it!

Man I would kill myself.

Seriously guys? Grow up.

This person has been removed from the group

when I slept with styles he's never thought about guys. Maybe Niall's got a pussy. Why wouldn't you believe this gold?


Maybe he stopped thinking about you because what's between my legs isn't some nasty STD headquarters.

I turn to Harry asking him for any dirt on Cheryl.

"She had to ask me to get an STD test because hers turned positive for chlamydia." He says as I begin to type the new message.

I wear pink panties whoa. What a surprise right? At least I don't have to ask people to get STD tests because mine come out positive.

Fucking owned cheryl.

What  STD??

When you find out you have to get tested now too. Tf cheryl.

STD outbreak.


I shut my phone off feeling content as Harry slows down in front of Zayn's place.

"I'm sorry, Niall." Harry says lowly looking straight in front of us.

"don't harry. Just because you didn't make this group chat doesn't make you any less responsible for any of this ." I speak opening the door and walking up to the shop doors where I can hear tools hitting metal and Zayn's music playing loudly.


I push open the doors to the shop and watch Niall walk in ahead of me. I want to grab him and pull him behind me but he seems to open his mouth before I can reach him.

"What did you do?" He asks as Zayn turns around shocked from his surprise visitors.

"What do you mean?" Zayn asks with a smirk. This is enough to make me want to cash his skull into the cement hut before I can put my plan into motion Niall has already beat me to it.

Fucking asshole.

"Why did you start that group chat? What's wrong with you?" I ask looking at Niall who can finally see Zayn for his true colours. I hate to see it happen this way but having Niall on my side for once leaves me to enjoy every second of Niall's argumentative side,

"Well, you two are fucking now. Why does it matter?" Zayn asks shrugging as Niall crosses his arms.

"Look. You're making Niall's life hell. I fucked him and you're never going to. Get over it and clear this shit up. Delete the group and grow the fuck up." I say looking at the skinny stoner who made Niall angry with me.

"Fine, but i get something in return don't I?" Zany asks with a devilish grin

"You don't get fucking demands" i growl as zany opens his slimy mouth.

"Niall's gotta kiss me." He says smirking towards Niall. Niall walks forward towards Zayn to give him what he asked for.

No. That's not happening.

I push Niall behind me and slam Zayn's body against the side of the truck.

"You're going to take the chat down. Now!" I yell slamming his body back onto the truck.
He's not going to touch Niall. He doesn't get to feel Niall the same way I do.

"I don't think you get what I'm asking." Zayn growls trying to stand up against me.

"I don't think you get what I can do to your life Zayn. You enjoy prison? Cause I can send you there without a second fucking thought."  I threaten watching his face go pale.

"You wouldn't do that." He mutters knowing very damn well that I would.

"I'm actually planning to head down this weekend for a visit. Maybe I can ask for a paternity test as well." I wonder aloud looking at Zayn tense under my hold.

"Delete it and stay the fuck out of our lives." I finish before letting his body fall from my hold.

I grab Niall's waist and guide him out of the shop leaving Zayn to choose his next move guided by my blackmail.

I sit myself in the quiet vehicle as Niall shuts the passenger door.

"I'm sorry that I went off like that. I know this was your thing-"

I'm cut off by Niall grabbing my jaw and making me look at him.
"Thank you." He says before placing his soft lips on mine.

After a short peck he leans back and buckles in.

I smile at the small blonde next to me and start the engine.
This day is getting better and better.

Word count :869

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