3- amends to the coffee war

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Edited July 21st 2018


I walk up the steps to the door of my unpacked home and walk inside, picking up my ruined toms and throwing them into the trash.

"Niall honey, how was school?" My mother asks as she walks into the kitchen and instantly gasps at the sight of my coffee stained shirt.

"What happened? Are the kids being mean to you?" She asks before pulling my shirt over my head and begins to soak the fabric in the large sink in hopes to get rid of the stain.

"They are nice." I lie before covering myself with my hands. I pull a throw over my shoulders to cover myself up.

"I just ran into someone." I lie again knowing that Harry meant to pour his coffee over me. He probably bought that coffee just to pour it on me.

"Well go get changed, we can talk about your classes and teachers after you've done your homework." She says sending me to my room as I roll my eyes.

She should know that I don't have homework, it's the first day. Who in the right mind would give out homework on the first day?

I walk up the stairs and into my bedroom to throw a white shirt over my body and change into some black leggings.

I sit at my desk and open my laptop entering the group message from home.

Karen: miss you Ni ):

Lydia: me too Niall. Who will watch movies with me each Friday? ):

Niall: you could get a
boyfriend ya know.

Lydia: so could you

Karen: Ouch. :D

I shake my head and shut my laptop reaching for my school bag pulling out my history book. I might as well get ahead while I have the chance.


One chapter later I put my book away and eye the clock.

It has been an hour and a half and I'm sure that my mother is dying to tell me about her first day of work.

I walk down the stairs and plop myself onto the island stool watching my mother hum as she cooks in her heels.

"How was your first day mum?" I ask as she smiles turning towards me.

"It was so amazing sweetie. They gave me an office and I met the boss, we all went out for lunch together. I met an amazing woman named Anne. We agree'd to have dinner sometime." She shares as I nod.

"Maybe I'll even meet a guy here, Niall." She squeals before stirring the boiling pasta.

"Maybe you will." I say smiling at her cheerfulness. I want my mother to be happy with a guy but I didn't think she would be ready this fast. My dad only left us just a little under a year ago. 

"Maybe you will meet a guy too." She says before turning off the burner and removing the pot from the heat.

"Trust me I wont. All of the guys here are too immature." I say leaning my chin onto my palm.

"Well honey, I would let you date an older guy but they all only want one thing and I don't want you mistaking it for love." She says before mixing her cream sauce into the drained pasta.

I know that my mother would never let me date an older man and only says this to teach me a lesson on abstinence from sex.

I nod along with her and begin to wonder what it would be like to actually have a boyfriend. One who can open doors for me and send me a goodnight text every night and hold my hand when I need it. Or when I simply want.

I shake the thoughts from my head as my mother places a plate in front of me and instructs me to eat before my food gets too cold.


Walking into school today isn't much different. I have a lot more time as I now know where everything is for my daily routine.

I decided to make amends with Harry and end the whole coffee war by bringing him a vanilla frap coffee. I understand it may not be like his latte but I do hope he likes my favourite coffee instead.

I open my locker and throw my old books into it before pulling out my morning books once more.

I look down the hallway for tara but instead I spot Harry who is walking alone.

"Harry!" I call grabbing his attention as he walks by.

"What?." He asks with little patience as he stares me down. I hold the coffee cup out and watch his eyes flicker down to the iced drink.

"For the one I ruined yesterday." I say holding the cup out further for him to take.

"What did you do to it?" He asks before slowly taking it from me. I eye him as he stirs the cream around with the straw.

"Nothing, I just bought it to replace the one from yesterday." I say watching him nod.

"Harry!" I hear a squeaky voice call from down the hallway. Cheryl begins to walk towards us and grabs Harry's arm pulling him to her side.

"I got you coffee." He says and hands her the beverage making her  coo at 'his' sweet gesture before pulling him away from me and down the hallway.

Yep, she is a bitch. But he's a bigger one.

"Niall!" Liam calls and waves me towards himself and Tara. I smile at my friends before closing my locker and walking down the hall with the couple who talk about art and history.

"Bye baby." Liam says softly before pressing a kiss to Tara's cheek. Its a sweet gesture and I find myself looking away as his lips connect to her cheek.

We walk into art together and sit in our assigned seats waiting for our new assignments to be handed out.


Word count: 986

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