4- detention is gay

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Fully Edited July 21st 2018



The rest of the week goes by faster than I could have imagined. Harry hasn't really been a problem since I have offered him a coffee. I guess we really did make amends.

In other topics, Liam and Tara have become very great friends to me. Although I miss my friends back home, I can't help but feel like Tara and Liam can be a good start for me.

I pull the red coloured pencil across the paper filling in a rose that I had sketched. I find that art has been very relaxing for me and I barely notice Harry sleeping beside me.

"Harry." I say nudging his body as his shirt sleeve was now getting coated in blue paint.

"Don't touch me, queer." He grumbles pulling his arm away causing the blue paint to topple from his desk and onto his lap making him spring up and the paint run down his jeans and shirt.

Everyone around watches and laughs as Harry tries to wipe the paint from his clothing.

"You think this is funny?" He asks me making my smile fade. He runs his hand through his hair and grabs the small can of purple paint.

I stand and try to walk away but I feel the paint rush down my back as a gasp leaves my lips.

"I didn't do anything!" I exclaim as people begin to turn around in their chairs to watch us fight. I look at my purple soaked clothes and try my best to wipe the stain out.

"You spilled that paint on me!" He exclaims pointing down to the blue mess on the floor as I drop my jaw.

"I didn't pour paint on you! Your sleeve was in it and I tried to tell you but you moved away and pushed the paint onto yourself." I explain as the teacher butts in.

"I don't care who did it. You both have detention after school and you will clean this classroom top to bottom." Mr. Rodgers scolds as Harry huffs and storms out of the room leaving me to sit in uncomfortable paint.


"I don't understand why you two can't just get along without ending up covered in something." Liam complains as I nod along. I would love to get along with Harry but the way he constantly acts like a jerk makes me want to pour litres of paint and coffee over him.

"I've seen him hate people but never this much." He says as I freeze.

He has to be homophobic. Why else would he have called me a twink, queer, and hate me?

I nod slowly hoping that my sexuality isn't something that everybody can see through just as easily as Harry can.

I sip my water and look down at the table as Harry sits with us covered in dried blue paint causing more attention than he already has to be on him.

"Nice colour, brings out your eyes." Tara teases Harry as he puts his middle finger up waving it in her face.

"And to think that was my favourite shirt on you." Cheryl says sitting herself next to Harry and pulling his arm over her. He sits ignoring us as Cheryl turns her attention to me.

"Niall, why don't you tell us what Harry did to deserve paint be thrown on him?" She asks as I set my empty bottle onto my emptier tray.

"He didnt do anything, neither did I. He spilled it on himself." I say watching Harry scoff.

"Yeah right. You threw it on me." He says as its now my turn to roll my eyes.

"Think whatever you want Harry." I say before standing up and walking to the trash can to dispose my garbage and tray.

I walk forward this time making my way to the mens washroom to check my phone for any messages that Lydia or Karen could have sent within the last few hours.

*Karen: how's your school Ni?*

*Lydia: any hot guys??*

*No, just assholes so far. *

*Lydia: guys who are jerks are hot though. *

*Not when you get detention
for something that wasn't your fault because of them.*

Karen: what happened?

I sigh as the bell rings letting me know that I now have my worst class. mathematics.

*I'll tell you later*

I shut my phone off and slide the device into my pocket before stepping out of the dirty bathroom and into the hallway where I am to navigate through crowds of students to get to my class on time.

I sigh again as I walk  into the classroom and take my seat where I can sit and become confused for the next hour of my life.

Sure enough as the last bell rings I find my self 5 years closer to balding from the stress. The thought of my detention only adds to the issue.

I walk to the art room, grabbing a mop where I begin to mop up the purple and blue mess on the floor and chairs.

Harry walks in late as per usual and begins to stack papers up and waits for me to finish.

I mop the colours around in silence as Harry stands and watches waiting so he can go home.

"Can you mop any faster?" He asks annoyed with having to stay passed the bell.

"Maybe if you didn't make all of this mess I wouldn't have to take so long mopping it up." I say ringing the mop out once more.

"I didn't make this mess, you're the faggot who couldn't keep your hands to yourself." He insults before grabbing the mop from me, shoving me back with his elbow.

He begins to wipe up his mess and swears that the blue paint wont come off as easy as the purple.

"You just had to spill this on me." He mutters before scraping the paint off with the plastic base of the mop.

"No, I didn't do it." I deny again and watch him ring out the mop.

"Seriously quee-"

"Why do you insult me?" I ask from behind him as he chuckles

"Because you're gay." He says as I shrug.

"So? Nobody else has a problem with it." I speak watching him abruptly turn around.

"You're gay?" He asks as I nod finding no problem with telling him my sexuality. If he doesn't approve then he doesn't have to acknowledge me.

"So you are a twink." He states before leaning against the mop.

"Does that matter?" I ask reaching out for the mop only to have Harry snatch it away.

"It does. You're gay." He states as if being gay is the worst thing you could be.

"Its gross." He scoffs before pushing the mop across the floor. It takes everything in me not to open a new can of paint and pour it on Harry.

"So is your personality." I say watching him tense as he mops.

"Faggot." He mutters before putting the mop back into the bucket and stepping away from the clean floor.



Word count: 1181

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