19- pissy kissy

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I watch Zayn sweat as he finally finishes toying with the engine. He wasn't joking when he told me this truck was in rough shape. I imagined it to be partially ruined but I didn't think he took a junker from a Dump.

We still have to do the body work which I hope I can help him with.
I stand from the chair I sat on for the past half hour and waited for zayn's instructions to flatten out the warped metal of this demolition derby loser.

"Sit, you don't need to help. Plus you need to be tough for it." He spoke laughing as he gave my limp arm a soft squeeze.

"I want to help, I haven't done anything here yet." I say watching Zayn glance at me before smiling.

"You just sit and look pretty for me." He says making a blush rise to my cheeks. I slowly sit down again and watch him take a hammer to the metal as he proceeds to tell me about himself.

I learned about his sisters and mother and how he hopes to buy her a house someday. I learned more about Zayn than I thought I ever would.

As Zayn and I called it a day I couldn't help but think about hanging out with Harry tonight. Does he still want to hang out tonight?

"I had a nice time." Zayn admits bringing me away from my thoughts.

"Me too, it was quite therapeutic." I say feeling a lot more relaxed after seeing the mechanics of a truck come together.

"It is, it's quite fun to piece something together like that." He says as he parks in front of my house. Normally this wouldn't be a problem if that black muscle car wasn't sitting in my driveway. Oh my god.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Zayn asks as I slowly nod.

"Is that Harry's car?" He asks sitting up to have a better look at the car.

"I don't even know. His mom and my mom are friends." I partially lie watching Zayn nod.

"See you tomorrow." I say softly and grab the door handle. Why is my heart racing? Why do I feel like I am cheating?

I close Zayn's door softly and begin to walk up the grass to the front door. I know Harry's in his car. I know he's watching. I watch as Zayn peels out of the neighbourhood and on cue Harry steps out of his car.

"You're really hanging out with him?" Harry spits as he walks closer from his car.

"Yes, he isn't a bad guy. But you? You are so scummy! How could you have waggers over my virginity!" I exclaim watching Harry roll his eyes.

"It was a joke! Like I'd ever want to fuck you." He scoffs angrily making it my turn to roll my eyes.

"Why did you even come here?" I ask having no energy to keep fighting with him. It's pointless to fight with Harry, he'll be sweet later anyway. It's all part of his infamous bipolar act.

"I came here to hang out with you like we arranged." He says crossing his arms to match his pissy attitude.

"Then lets go." I speak walking past him to his car. I grab the handle to the passengers door but before I get in I feel Harry's large hand cover mine slamming the door shut in front of me.

"No, I don't want to hang out with you anymore." Harry says with his face a few inches away from mine. I have half the mind to shout at him and let him leave.

Instead I lean up onto my toes to place a kiss on his lips. I peck his soft lips and lean back down within seconds as I give him a sharp glare.

"Talk to me when you're done being grumpy." I say walking past him towards my house.

"You can't just kiss me and walk away like that!" Harry exclaims walking behind me.

I turn around sharply grabbing his shirt collar pulling him to my lips again. I give him another peck before turning around, storming towards the door with him hot on my heels.

"Stop doing that!" Harry exclaims with anger grabbing my wrist as I reach the door.

I lean up on my toes again and kiss his lips again letting my lips linger for a few seconds before turning back to the door to push it open.

"Niall stop." Harry says loudly with anger as I push the door open and begin to walk in. His fingers catch my wrist pulling me back outside.

"For fuck sake." Harry mutters before wrapping his hands around my neck. His lips graze mine as I sink into his gentle hold.

His lips feel so soft moving against mine. His tongue slips past my lips making me hum into his mouth. God he's such a good kisser. Far too soon Harry pulls away leaving me breathless.

"Are you done being difficult?" I ask softly as Harry smirks.

"Get in the car."


Word count 850

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