52- again (!!)

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I am pushed into the mattress by Harry and kissed softly despite the hurry we are in to get out of these clothes.

"Can you shut the door?" I ask in fear that Anne is still here. I know that my mother has left for work and Anne has no doubtingly left as well yet I still carry the fear.

Harry rolls his eyes and stands from the bed. He walks over to the door and shuts it, locking it behind him.

Harry pulls his jeans off while he's standing so he won't have to struggle with them later on.

Harry's hands run up my sides as he crawls back into the bed and hovers over my body. I think I'm ready for this. I can't hide myself from Harry anymore.

Harry kisses me again but this time it's only a peck until he pulls off my sweater leaving me in my leggings.

Harry's lips travel down my body kissing and making the smallest of bruises until he gets to the waistband of my leggings.

Harry quickly pulls his shirt off and tends back to me, pulling the waistband down and eventually brings to pull them off of my legs until I'm left in my panties.

Harry sits up onto his knees and looks down on me letting his eyes rake over my body.

"You're beautiful." He whispers before capturing my lips under his. I don't say anything to him, I let him kiss me and run his fingertips over the thin material of my lace panties.

I can feel my blood rushing all over my body. To one specific area as well.

Harry begins to pull the waistband from my hips slowly until they are off of me just enough to be out of his reach. He breaks the kiss and lets his lips linger down my body once more, ridding me of the lacy material.

He grabs my length in his hand and slowly pumps me while kissing my neck. I'm ready for this. I need him.

"Stop." I say aloud feeling Harry's lips stop on my neck and his grip loosen around me.

Harry begins to get off of me but I'm quick to pull him back against my exposed body.

"I meant stop teasing me and start prepping me." I speak trying to keep my voice strong although I feel strange saying the words out loud.

Harry smiles and nods before placing a kiss to my lips again.

He reaches over to the nightstand and pulls out a small bottle and a square foil packet.

He places the packet on the bed and opens the bottle spreading the liquid onto his fingers.

"You're sure?" He asks once more as I stay silent.

I open my legs and nod watching his hand lower until his fingertips are circling my entrance.

His first finger penetrates me and slowly sinks in until his finger is brushing against my bundle of nerves.

I jolt as he touches the spot making his smile widen.

He slowly pumps his finger in and out of me, massaging the spot every time his finger sinks fully in.

I feel Harry's second finger at my entrance before they both sink into me making me hum in satisfaction.

"I'm okay." I say just above a whisper as Harry nods retracting his fingers from me. He sits up and grabs the foil packet ripping it open and pulling the thin circular rubber from it's package.
Harry places it onto himself and swiftly rolls it on as if he's had practice.

I shake the thoughts away as Harry positions himself and looks down on me. I grab onto his arms as he begins to thrust into me. I regret not taking the extra time with Harry's fingers but I was getting too greedy for the feeling at the time.

Harry thrusts all of his length into me before he rests and lets me adjust. Harry holds himself up as I focus on anything but the pain I'm In.

Like his hair. His hair is so nice and soft and always smells so good. And his skin is always so clear and soft as well. His eyes are sometimes so mean but when he's in a good mood they turn into the most gorgeous thing I've seen.

I focus on his lips, his soft beautiful lips that are moving.

They're moving.

I snap myself out of the trance I'm in and clear my throat.

"What?" I ask softly as Harry stays emotionless.

"Can I move now?" He asks as I know what type of temptations he's abstaining from.

I nod and feel him shift inside of me before he begins to pull out of me but sinks back in making my hips jolt.

How does he do these things to me.

Harry picks up the pace although I don't mind. It's starting to feel good?

He thrusts hard and a moan falls from my lips as he hits my bundle of nerves.

Harry places his lips on my collar bone as he thrusts into me harder.

"Oh my god." I whisper feeling heat build in the pit of my stomach.

I feel Harry making marks on me but I don't care, all I care about is Harry's hips and how they're snapping back at me.

I grip Harry's arms harder as his thrusts become sloppy.

I try to keep quiet as Harry brings me to the edge and pushes me over. I bite into my bottom lip feeling my excitement hit our chests as Harry's body falls onto mine.

I can only hear his and my own heavy breathing in the entire house. I feel his hair tickling my neck and his arms spread out one reaching above my head and the other holding onto my arm.

I feel sweaty and sticky as Harry peels himself from my body to lay next to me. I don't watch him get rid of the condom but I do watch his glow appear.

He looks radiant.

He huffs and looks over at me 

"Now get out"


I like reading your guys' comments 😂💕

Word count : 1025

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