12- high with you

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-Aug 27th 2018

Harry Styles

"Where are we going?" The little blonde asks as he buckles his seat belt and adjusts the hem of my t-shirt on his pale thighs.

"You'll see." I say as I push the gear shift into drive. I drive to the only place I really know to go to. Usually with my friends we would get high wherever and whenever but with Niall, I just don't feel like doing that is appropriate.

Niall stays silent during the drive and plays with the hem of the black shirt. I wont lie, My clothes don't look that bad against his skin. The contrast of his pale skin against the dark material of my shirt is actually quite satisfying.

I watch Niall's small hand slowly reach out to my radio to change the channel like he has not too long ago. He changes the station to play a much softer song. I recognize the voice to be Ed Sheeran.

Niall slowly mouths the words to the song as my sunglasses slowly slip back to rest on the bridge of my nose. I can't see a thing with them on at night but I don't really mind. I pull my sunglasses back to the top of my head as Niall slightly turns the volume up for the next song.

He looks content with the song choice and goes back to rubbing his shoes together to get rid of the dirt on the bottoms. Normally I would get mad at him for dirtying my floor mats but it's too peaceful in the car to yell at him right now.

I pull off of the main road and begin to drive down a gravel road. I can hear small rocks hitting the sides of the car as I raise dirt behind us but I really don't care. A new paint job wouldn't be such a bad thing.

I pull off to a more secluded road and watch Niall's small shoulders tense.

"I'm not going to kill you." I promise the small body next to me as a small smile spreads across his thin lips. I pull the car to the left and drive to an old campsite where my friends and I would have parties before my parents found out. Thats when I started to have house parties.

I reach into the backseat and pull a small compact grinder from the pocket behind Niall's seat.

I fish for the bag in my pocket and open it, breaking the sticky herb into four pieces before grinding it down to make small leaves. Niall watches intently as I set the small grinder down and pull a pipe from the only hole in my leather seat. I don't understand how the cop didn't find it.

"Are you sure you want todo this?" I ask again looking up at Niall's eyes seeing how nervous he is. I don't think he understands that I can tell when he's lying to me. He looks to the pipe and slowly nods.

"Look Niall. We don't have to smoke this. I guess we could just sit here." I say as he shakes his head.

"I've always wanted to see what it was like." He says before unbuckling his seatbelt and turning his body towards me.

"We can." He says again looking at me much braver this time. I nod and grab the lighter on the dash before holding the black ceramic up to my lips and breathing in the smoke that follows. I watch the green leaves turn red as a brown smoke lifts into the air from the small fire.

I let go of the lighter letting the car become dark again as I lift the warm pipe from my lips. I exhale the brown smoke and fill the car with a light tinge of smoke.

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