56-trouble calls

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I feel Harry's arm around my waist tighten as my alarm goes off for school. If we miss anymore days of school universities may not want us.

I stand from the bed and walk towards my wardrobe picking out a blue pair of underwear and a cropped t shirt with some leggings. I like my choices and strip down as Harry stays asleep. He's probably got a huge hangover.

I don't remember coming inside last Night or driving home so I know that Harry did it.

I walk to the bathroom and pick up my new toothbrush and begin to wash my face and brush my teeth.

When I come back to my room Harry is awake and on his phone.

I put on a cool toned bronzer and a light gold highlight before coating my lashes in mascara.

I put on a glittery lip gloss knowing that it will just end up on Harry's lips or neck later.

I slip some socks on before lacing my converse.

"We have to go to your house?" I ask Harry before unplugging my phone.

"No." He says shortly before standing up from my bed.

"You should shower." I remind him knowing that he probably smells like 5 types of alcohol.

He ignores me and walks out of the room. I fear that he has left but I hear the shower start clearing my fears.

I look over at the bed and spot Harry's phone again.

I walk over to it and slowly pick it up finding no lock on it once again.

I check his messages seeing that his mother has messaged but that's all.

I twitch while pressing the home button watching all of his recently used apps come into view. I scroll through them and see the photo vault app

I click on it and it lets me in without a passcode. He must have already logged in.

I stay frozen for a moment not believing that I got into his app.

I open one of the albums and see many naked photos of girls. Gross.

I check the last time he's went into this album.

One month ago.

I check a recent album and almost cave to the floor.

There's photos of me.

Sleeping on his chest. In the car. During bowling. Then one captures my attention.

I open the photo and feel my heart grow. There's the photo of Harry kissing me.

The only photo that holds us Kissing.

I scroll through the app ignoring the nudes and I find a new album.


I don't want to open it but I do. I see very explicit photos of Harry and Cheryl.

I check the last time he's entered this album and roll my eyes.

Last night.

I don't bother acting like I'm not on his phone as he walks in.

"What are you doing?" He asks bitterly as I go back into our album.

"Give me my phone." He says holding his hand out only I don't. I stare at our photos longer until his phone is pulled out of my grasp.

"You've been in my business a lot lately. Don't stick your nose in the shit it doesn't belong in." He warns as I shake my head.

"Delete them." I say watching him laugh.


"I said delete them or you can walk away from me and never come back." I say as Harry rolls his eyes. Where did his good mood go?

"Fine" he spits before deleting the photo's in front of me and dropping his phone back into my hands.

"Here. Since you think it's any of your business." He says lowly before grabbing my arm.

"Let's go." He says guiding me down the stairs and to the front door.

"I need a ride to that bar." He says as I nod and hold his phone out.

He takes it and walks outside I front of me as I frown. Why did he have to turn so bitter?

I follow him to the vehicle and hop in starting the engine. Harry reaches into the back and grabs his clothes from last night.

He pulls his shirt off and replaces it with the fresh one. Next he changes his pants and he's ready for the day.

"I thought you would have been nicer." I say waiting for his bitter mood to come out and play.

"And I thought you wouldn't have been so annoying." He says clearly angry. Bipolar Harry is back.

I ignore Harry through out the entire ride as he does to me. When I park beside his car again He hops out. I put the car in reverse immediately and begin to drive away angry at the attitude Harry has had towards me this morning.

It doesn't take long for me to arrive at school but when I do people stare and whisper. I really don't have the energy for it though.

I walk through the halls and towards my locker where I grab my bag. I bump into someone's shoulder and smile. Liam.

He grabs me in his arms and holds me there for a second  before I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see Tara who's beginning to show.

"Oh my gosh." I say in shock before laying my hands onto her stomach gently.

"I know, soon I won't even be able to come to school. He's growing fast." She says placing her hands over mine.

I feel a movement and gasp along with Tara. I feel another hand join ours and recognize the tattoo's immediately.

"Ew" Harry says as Tara hits his shoulder before hugging him. He surprises all of us by hugging back.

"I miss you two. You're always off fucking instead of being here" Tara says making me fall silent and Harry nod.

I wrap my arms around Tara as Liam speaks up behind us.

"Holy shit."

I look up and holy shit indeed.

A group of police men walk down the hall before stopping in front of us.

"Harry styles?" A man asks as Harry nods.

"You have a court date this Thursday as a witness in the trial of 207 " a officer says handing him a paper before they walk off and hand out other papers telling others of the incident including Liam.

"What is that about?" I ask ducking under Harry's arm to read the paper with him. I don't care if he thinks I'm getting into his business. he is my business now.

Lorraine Gallagher vs Zayn Malik
Harry styles : boyfriend at the time of incident.
Liam Payne: present
Dan felled: present

The list continues but I don't bother to read the names. Only one pops out from the page.

Source: Anne styles



Word count 1151

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