30- choices

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I look between Harry's smirk and his fingers waving in front of my face. I've never done anything near what he's offering, and I'm not sure if I'm ready.

"Neither. We're going to sleep." I answer watching Harry roll his eyes at my prudish answer.

"That isn't part of the deal." He points out before leaning closer to my face.

"Maybe I can get you in the mood for your decision?" Harry asks letting his lips hover over mine.

"It wont work." I whisper knowing very well that I'm lying to both of us right now.

Harry closes the space between us and places his hand on my hip, making sure there is no chance that I can get away from his hold. Not that I would have wanted to leave anyway.

He turns his head deepening the kiss as his thumb slowly starts to massage the skin on my hip.

Harry rolls onto his stomach hovering over top of me before letting his hips Nestle between mine.

His hand glides up to my waist where he holds me and uses his other arm to steady himself.

"Don't tell me you don't want me." Harry mumbles against my skin as his lips travel down my neck.

"I-I don't" I lie wanting this to both stop but also to keep going. I know this needs to end but I also know that I wont be able to be the one to end it.

Harry slowly begins to rock his hips into mine as I finally muster the willpower to push him away by his shoulders.

"Lets just sleep. Sleeping is good." I say breathlessly as Harry laughs with messy hair.

God help me

It's been two hours since Harry and I had our make out session and Harry offered to finger me.

I feel like I regret my decision. What if I had chosen? What if I let Harry touch me in ways I haven't discovered?

Somehow I know that I would end up regretting my decision, but why do feel the need to regret not choosing at all?

Harry shifts behind me pulling me closer to his chest. I don't think he's asleep and I'm sure he knows I'm awake.

"Harry?" I whisper feeling his breath separate my hair. I wait to hear his response but see that it never seems to come. He must be asleep.

"What?" He grumbles. Clearly he was about to sleep but I woke him last minute.

"Sorry." I mumble knowing he doesn't want to talk. I don't want to have a conversation with the mean Harry. He's way too truthful.

"Well what?" He asks sounding more awake. I stare at the wall before turning into his chest to look up at him.

"What if I did choose?" I ask feeling nervous for the answer.
Harry looks down at me before replying.

"Then whatever you had chosen would have happened." He shrugs as I nod looking at the tattoo's on his chest.

"Would you have left?" I ask knowing Harry is about to give me a harsh truth.

"No, I wouldn't have." He says simply before closing his eyes again.

"Am I keeping you up?" I ask knowing the obvious answer he will be giving me.

"Yeah. It's okay though." He says before looking down at me again.

"What was your choice?" He asks letting his eyes wander over my face.

"I-I don't know." I stutter knowing well what my choice is. Harry smirks before leaning down to kiss me. He kisses my lips shortly before leaning back up.

"Okay." He mumbles closing his eyes as I roll onto my back.

Harry could be showing me what pleasure is right now. But instead I'm just laying here while he sleeps.

I turn into his chest and rest my forehead against his hot skin. Why am I falling for a guy that doesn't do anything to deserve it?

I close my eyes feeling Harry's arm wrap around me and pull me in tighter.

Oh yeah. That's why.


Word count: 677

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