35- leave

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I look over at Harry and sit up in my seat.

"Why do you think relationships are doomed?" I ask watching Harry furrow his eyebrows before chuckling to himself.

"Doomed? What year is this, Niall? Two thousand?" Harry laughs as I roll my eyes at his change of subject.

"Just answer the question." I push, I don't really care if I push Harry's behaviour over the edge. I want to know more about him but he never reveals it. If making him yell at me gives me a little more information then I'll take whatever he throws in my face.

"Because people aren't loyal. As soon as you give in to somebody else they drop you like you're nothing." he says before tightening his grip on the wheel.

"I know what this is about" he begins as he drives through my neighbor hood.

"You want to find out why I don't like dating so you can counteract it." He says as he parks in front of my house.

"You think I'm scared but I'm not. Because if we ever dated, I would get what I wanted from you and drop you like you're nobody to me." He promises as I stay quiet. How can he promise something so wrong? How can he believe that is right?

"You told me you needed me." I say remembering Harry's begging in the bathroom today.

"Not emotionally. Both this morning and just now. You're not special. You're just nice with your mouth." Harry says with no mercy as he tears the last straw from my ticking time bomb.

"Then stop coming around me. Leave me alone, Harry Styles." I say hoping he'll take my words through his thick skull and understand them for once.

"You don't have to tell me twice." He lies as this is the second time I have told him to leave.

"Then leave." I speak as he leans on the console between us. I hate him right now. But I also want him to be stubborn and come around me again.
I guess I'm greedy in that way.

"Then get out of my car." He says so close to me that I can smell his intoxicating scent.

I grab the handle and get out of his car grabbing my bag behind me. I slam his car door hoping I break something. Maybe then he'll actually care about something that has to do with me.

I walk into the house ignoring my mother asking me why I'm not in school.

I walk up the stairs and into my bedroom locking the door behind me. I crawl onto my bed and massage my temples trying to ease the headache Harry has given me.


I watch him get out of the car slamming the door hard enough to shatter the glass.

This time as he walks away I don't watch his hips. I watch him throw his bag over his shoulder in such a harsh enough manner to shake his small body.

Turn around, turn around, turn around. Yell at me. Something.

He opens his front door and steps into the house as I slam my fists on the steering wheel.



Word count: 534

Dont let me go // narryWhere stories live. Discover now