13- good morning

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-aug 27th 2018

Niall Horan

"Niall! Get up!" My mother yells from the hallway making me stand up before my feet could realize it. Oh my gosh does she know about last night?

I scramble to the bathroom and begin to rip my clothing off. She can't get mad at me if I'm in the shower. I shower quickly and pick out a decent outfit. I pull some black leggings on and a grey hoodie. Perfect for running away from my mother.

I brush my teeth and put on some perfume before I slowly make my way down stairs. I sit down at the island as my mother sips on her coffee.

"Good morning" she smiles before picking out the orange juice and pouring a glass for me.

Does she not know? I drink the juice feeling tired, more than usual. Harry dropped me off after the kiss and awkwardly said goodnight to me again. I did want him to kiss me when I left but I feel like two make out sessions in one night was good enough for Harry.

I put my glass in the sink as my mother tells me she is going to work. I nod and wave to her as I rinse my cup and listen to the front door slam. I can't help but feel bad over what happened last night. I mean, I did do drugs. Oh god, What if I never get into a university now? I even promised her that I wouldn't do drugs. Then I did them.

My phone buzzes from my pocket as I dry my hands. I pull it out and read the text message flashing on the screen.

*need a ride to school?* -Harry

I smile down at the message before typing back as fast as my thumbs would go.

*if you don't mind.*

*No, not really. I'll Brt*

I gather my school supplies and wait for Harry to arrive. I wonder what people will think if Harry and I show up to school together. I mean We did go through the first two weeks of school throwing coffee on each other. But lately we've been spending a lot of time together and I can't help but feel like Harry is coming to terms with his sexuality and I'm helping.

I wont lie, being in a relationship would be nice. I've always dreamed of having a perfect relationship where the guy would do nothing but make me smile. The thought of actually having that with Harry makes me happy. But I know that it wouldn't be like anything like I've imagined. But the thought of even being in a relationship at this point is all I really need to go along with any circumstances.

My phone buzzes again as I stand up without reading the message. I walk to the door and pull it open, revealing Harry's muscle car parked exactly where it sat last night. I wonder how he'll act after our kiss last night. What if it was bad? What if I was a bad kisser after I smoked?

I pull the door open and sit in the comfortable seat. Harry wears a black v neck and black jeans with black converse. Usually he wears boots but I really like the change.

"Good morning." I greet as Harry grumbles to acknowledge my greeting.
I guess he's not in a good mood.

"Coffee?" He asks actually forming words this time he acknowledges me. I nod as he pulls into a Starbucks drive through.

He orders a black coffee and a vanilla frap for me without asking. I smile at his choice but grimace at him as he is handed the plain black coffee.

"What?" He asks as we begin to drive again. Harry must have noticed my displeasure as he put my drink into my hands.

"You're drinking black coffee out of all the things on the menu." I point out as he takes another sip of his gross drink.

"It's just black coffee. Just because I didn't order a milkshake doesn't make my drink bad." He says looking at my drink the same way I look at his.

"Take a sip." I said holding the straw to his face. He glances at the drink and pushes it away.

"I might go blonde and like the colour pink if I do." He says as I push the straw against his pink lips. He glares at me for a split second before wrapping his lips around the tip of the straw and sipping the drink.

"It's barely coffee." He criticizes as I roll my eyes.

"You like it, don't even try to lie to me." I say before sipping the perfectly made drink. 

Harry pulls into the school parking lot and parks in his usual spot. Nobody really ever parks in Harry's spot. Not unless they're new and haven't quite gotten the memo yet. It's strange to think that I was new just a few weeks ago and now I've already made friends and gone to enough parties to feel like I've been here for a whole year.

"Why do you throw parties?" I ask while I'm on the topic. He pulls his key out of the ignition and sits back in his seat.

"I don't know. Why do you ask so many questions?" He asks glancing at me before stepping out of the car. I pick my bag up from my lap and follow behind him.

"I only asked one." I say as he looks back at me.

"Last night you asked many." He says as I finally walk next to him. Screw his long legs.

"We were getting to know each other." I say looking up at him as he pulls out a cigarette. I barely notice that he's led me to the fence where kids smoke.

"We don't have to get to know each other." He says as he blows smoke at my face. I glare at him as I wave the smoke away.

"We do if you want to keep this going." I say adjusting my bag over my shoulder. Harry looks around before leaning off of the fence.

"This? This isn't a thing. We aren't a thing and we never were or will be. I kissed you two times. But that was only to see how gullible you could actually be." he says as I feel my chest become heavy.

"You're lying to me. You wouldn't have dragged me away from Zayn if you didn't worry about me. You wouldn't have come back to me last night if you didn't want to see me. You wouldn't have kissed me unless you wanted to." I say glaring at him as he puts his cigarette out.

"I came back for the weed." He clarifies as I furrow my eyebrows and push his chest back as he tries to walk past me.

"The weed is gone. It got smoked and you wouldn't have asked me to join you either if you didn't care. Face it. You're gay." I say as I feel his hand on my shoulder making my body hit the ground.

"I'm not fucking gay, you queer."He insults as he walks past me and towards his car. He opens his car door and gets in, reving the engine and peeling out of the parking lot.

I looked down at my dirty clothes and begin to dust myself off ignoring the small cuts in my hands as I stand up.

What an asshole


Word count: 1258

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