33- I need you

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After a silent art class and an angering history class I settled down at our table for lunch.

Normally I'm the first one here but today the first person to sit with me I had never met before.

"Hey." A taller guy greets as I stare at my tray with veggies. The guy doesn't seem to get the hint that I don't want to talk.

"I'm Malcolm, I'm in your history class. I seen you looking pretty grumpy. Thought I'd see what's wrong." He speaks as I scoff.

"So you can exploit it to your friends?" I ask looking at his group of friends at one of the entrances thinking they are invisible as they all stare at our interaction.

"No, they just assume that whatever happens here is going to be worth a watch." He shrugs as I finally look up at him.

"Because that's what I am? Something that's worth the watch?" I ask knowing that Malcolm is probably just another guy who has a pumped up ego and doesn't know how to treat a human being.

"No, no, Niall.-" Malcolm stops his rambling to take a deep breath before he decides to speak again.

"Look, you're cute. I like that about you. Whatever time you're spending with Styles I just want you to know that it's being wasted. He isn't the type of guy you should befriend. Let alone kiss in the hallways and strip for." He says before widening his eyes realizing what he has said is very offensive.

"Niall, I just don't want to see the guy hurt you." He says as Tara and Liam make their way towards our table with Harry and Cheryl trailing behind.

"You haven't even met me before those photos. Hell, You haven't even thought about me or knew my name before those pictures went around. Stop acting like you know who I am by rumours. If I hurt myself by going near Harry then I'll send you the biggest ribbon for the 'I told you so contest'." I say looking at the veggie tray as Tara and Liam sit down.

"Yeah. I understand." Malcolm says before standing up he leans back down to say whatever he has to, directly to me, but instead the entire table hears it.

"You bring shit like this onto yourself. That's what whores do" He warns as the table falls silent.

"Drama." Cheryl sings while smiling as I roll my eyes. This alone is enough to push me over the edge.

"Shut the fuck up Cheryl. You and Drama go hand in hand. I'm not surprised you even came back to Harry after he told you he didn't want you because you love the drama. who the fuck does want someone who gives themselves away to every person who asks? Nobody Cheryl, nobody wants a Night time slut in their lives. But you? You love the attention because you love the fucking drama." I exclaim watching people stare as I let lose on Cheryl.

"Have fun giving each other chlamydia" I smile at a smirking Harry and a dropped jaw Cheryl.

I stand up and slam my food tray into the garbage, not caring that the red tray was now buried in food and gross garbage.

I walk out of the cafeteria feeling eyes on me. I walk into the bathroom right outside of the cafeteria and begin to break down.

"Get out." I order the young guy in the washroom who stands washing his hands and fixing his hair.

He stays still as I become more angry. I'm about to open my mouth when I hear A slow accent speak.

"He said get out. So get the fuck out."

Now I realize why people were staring. They weren't looking at me, they were looking at Harry following me.

The guy frantically picks up his books from the counter and walks past Harry leaving us alone.

I hear the click of the lock on the door and soon I am hiding the tears running down my cheeks.

"What happened?" He asks standing by the door keeping his distance. That's a smart move Harry has made.

"What did Malcolm say to you?" He asks wanting answers as I struggle to breathe calmly.

"Niall, I'm trying to help you-"
He starts as I cut him off.

"No, you're trying to control me. Just like you do with everything. You kiss me, you are nice to me, then you tell me that kissing me is easier on you. Then you push me down and embarrass me. Then you take photos of me and humiliate me. You kiss me in front of everyone and then you get back with Cheryl the same morning that I-" I cut myself off to keep myself from embarrassing myself further. Harry doesn't care. He got what he wanted from me.

"I don't know what to do around you Niall. It's easier to kiss you but it's not easier for people to know. I don't want people to know." He says as I wipe the tears from my cheeks and finally face him.

He looks as if I kicked him in the stomach when he see's me but I don't care. He's a great actor. His reaction could earn a Oscar.

"So you stay hidden behind Cheryl? You keep coming around and fuck up anything I could possibly have with someone else? Tell me when that gets old Harry, maybe this time you can push me down into the dirt and we can start over just like the last time or every single day when you wake up with a new personality." I say as Harry runs a hand through his hair.

"I told you that there isn't an 'us' Niall. You're acting like there is." He mutters as I laugh although nothing is funny.

"Because there is, you make sure that there is. Look at us right now! Why did you even follow me? To make sure that your game you're playing with me can keep on running?" I ask running my hand through my own hair.

"You can hide behind Cheryl or this bad boy personality you put out for everyone, but I know who you are. You run from this personality that you only share with me but the minute I start to drift from you you come back and make it seem like it's my fault.-" I start again but I'm cut off by Harry's lips.

I don't respond. I can't let him know that I want him, That I want this.

He lifts me to the counter top and presses his hips against mine. His lips part from mine as he whispers the only words I need at this point.

"Please, I need you."

I write by chapter and holy shit is the pudding getting thick. I'm proud

Word count : 1144

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