50- like a date?

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Sorry I haven't been writing guys. I have been going to parties and I get really depressed after I come home so I'm just a sad little potato right now. ):

(My chapters are mostly written with described actions right now because I dont make sense right now.)



When I woke up this morning, I didn't really feel like going to school. Nor did I really need to.

Last night after Harry and I sorted out our feelings we stayed in my room sitting and talking. Not about anything in particular but just about anything that really came to mind. I don't know if I meant what I said to Harry last night. But then again, I doubt he does either.

I never knew I would be attracted to someone like Harry. He hasn't been reliable, he doesn't take responsibility, he smokes marijuana and he couldn't care less about his future.

I'm describing someone that holds every trait I have hated in a guy. But once I look into his eyes I can't help but forget all of his flaws and immediately want him to kiss me.

I shake my head at my thoughts and give into his company once again. I grab my phone quickly typing a message to Harry.

*do you want to go out today?*

I doubt he will even text back within the hour. He likes to play games with me far more than he likes to spend time with me.
I dive towards my phone as it buzzes on my desk.

*like a date? No school either?*

I smile down at the phone before I begin to type a message back to Harry. He hasn't even said anything worth making me smile but talking to him is enough to make me smile.

*school sucks lately. But yes, like a date. Unless you're busy?*

I want to help give him an excuse to say no instead of feeling the full rejection he leaves me with. I also want him to be simple and just say yes.

*I'm not. I'll pick you up in half an hour*

I smile before shutting my phone off and looking at my reflection. I look like a ratty mess in sweatpants and Harry's shirt.


I only have half an hour.

I stand up and begin to rush around the room putting myself together as fast as I can. Through my routine I try my best to multitask and get through it faster than usual.

I decide to match harry today by wearing all black. I grab my leggings and pull them up my legs. Next I grab a cropped sweater and throw it over my head along with a black ring of flowers to sit on my flat hair.

I run into the bathroom and begin to brush my teeth until they look like ceramic.

with ten minutes to spare I rush to my room and place a highlight on my cheekbones along with a cool toned bronzer making myself look like I put effort into my appearance today.

I grab my favourite mascara and coat my lashes evenly hoping Harry will like how my make up looks today. I never really cared for what anyone thought of my appearance until Harry came along.

I lace my converse and grab my phone before making my way down the stairs. As soon as I open the door Harry is pulling up outside.

I walk towards his vehicle and open the passengers door. I don't expect much from him this morning but instead I'm proven wrong.

Harry grabs my shoulder and pulls me close to place his lips on mine, catching me off guard.

I lean into his kiss, setting my hand down on his thigh as his left hand slides from my shoulder to my neck, his favourite place to hold me.

I debate on crawling over the console and letting this make out take us where ever it can before I pull away from his lips.

I don't say a thing as I stare into his green eyes. He doesn't say anything to me either. He just lets me stare until I clear my throat and bring my hand back to my own lap.

"Sorry." He apologizes shortly before putting his car into reverse.

"For what?" I ask confused as to why Harry would feel the need to apologize for kissing me.

"For being all over you." He says as I shake my head. Honestly, I wouldn't mind Harry being all over me.

"It's okay Harry. It's not bad." I assure smiling up at him as he turns the radio down.

"Why aren't you going to school today? Have I already corrupted you?" He asks with a smirk on his face as his hand reaches out to grab my thigh.

I smile at the contact and shake my head to Harry's thought.

"No, the only one changing here is you Harry." I speak as he shakes his head back at me.

"Take a step back babe. You've changed a lot too." He says telling the truth. I have done many things I would have never even thought of doing before Harry came into my life.

"That's because you mean something to me." I say watching Harry roll his eyes at my sweet remarks.

"You smoked weed with me because I mean something to you?" He asks as I roll my eyes at one of our first one on one encounters.

"I made a mistake." I admit although I would never go back and change anything we did. Including the night of the party.

"so did I." Harry says as he pulls into his own drive way.

"Let's go watch a movie, cuddle, and maybe a blowjob?" Harry asks as I roll my eyes at his playful behaviour.

"We can cuddle and watch movies. But I am not giving you oral." I say opening the door and stepping onto the fresh green grass. I wouldn't doubt if Harry's family had a Gardner.

"I wasn't talking about me." He says causing me to stop walking and look at his smirk behind me.

Well why not?


Word count: 1027

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