21- There is no 'us'

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I'm sorry guys. My writing has been shitty lately. Sorry if this sounds so fetus-1D-fanfic-like


After Harry dropped me off I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter over and over. He kissed me today. I kissed him today. We kissed so much today.

I know that Harry still has a lot of moodiness up his sleeves but for right now I can't wait to just touch his lips again.

I roll out of my covers and stand up in my dark room. I pull my phone out and decide to text Karen and Lydia.

Hey, it's been a while.

Lydia: because
you've been too busy getting dick.

That's not true.

Karen: we know Ni. But did you meet any boys yet?

Yeah, a good kisser.

Lydia: is he nice? Is he a good guy?

He can be nice.

Karen: what does that mean?

Lydia: did you take that asshole that I was going to take??


Lydia: what does he look like?

He has tattoo's everywhere.
He has green eyes
and dark brown curly hair. He's tall.

Lydia: big hands?

Trust me, he's big.

I blush at the thought of seeing Harry's covered member. Well, at least I'm not lying to Lydia.

I shut my phone off and ignore the incoming texts.

Instead I sit on the pillows at the bay window. Watching nothing happen down in the street.

I begin to wonder if Harry would come here randomly and we could go out again. Or maybe he would confess his undying love for me and we would date.

Yeah, no.

I know that I like Harry, I have no doubt that I do. But the real question is, would he ever like me back?

I know that we have our struggles. Well, Harry gets angry at nothing and we fight.
But maybe he's only fighting himself?

Yeah, right. What would Harry have to fight himself over? He kisses me and says he likes it. So why would he need to fight?

I pull myself back to my bed and crawl under the covers. I'll ask him tomorrow.


Art was the most boring it has ever been without Harry beside me. He's late again. That, or he's just not coming. My only class with him, he skips out on. I know that we don't talk during this class but I get a whole different vibe when he's not here. The class is bland and boring without his lack of work next to me.

When the bell rings I join Tara who looks a bit agitated with her lips in a small scowl.

"Whats wrong?" I ask looking at her angrily pack away her supplies.

"Liam skipped out. He's supposed to be here for my speech in the pep rally later and he's just gone!" She exclaims as I begin to feel sorry for her.

But if I were Liam, I wouldn't want to go to a pep rally either.
Harry. Harry wouldn't want to go to the pep rally.

"It's a good speech!" She whisper yells looking around us to see if she has gotten anyone's unwanted attention.

"Maybe he's out with Harry? Honestly, if it's a great speech then he's missing out. You'll be fine." I assure her watching her scowl lighten.

"Okay. It's just not very, Liam-like to run off." She shrugs as we leave the art room.

I nod and listen to her talk about her upcoming math exam as I look to the two boys walking down the hall towards us.

"He's right there." I speak pointing to Liam and Harry laughing with each other down the hall.

"That ass wipe." Tara growls and begins to walk angrily towards her boyfriend.

"Bitch alert." Harry mutters before walking passed Tara to watch the scene.

"You had me thinking you were going to leave me on my speech day! You know how important it is!" She exclaims as Liam wraps his arms around her waist.

"You should have known that I would never leave you like that.  I'm here now okay?" He says kissing her forehead as Harry makes childish gagging noises behind them.

"I have to talk to you." I say to Harry quietly so nobody else will hear.

"About what?" Harry asks looking down at me.

"Us." I say pointing between him and I. He laughs and turns towards me, grabbing my shoulders.

"Look Niall. There is no 'us'. It's not gonna happen nor has it. Calm down." He says laughing before letting me go.

"Then stop coming around me." I say watching Harry roll his eyes.

"Like you have to tell me twice."

I roll my eyes at him and turn away. I can't stand him.


"Why was 6 afraid of 7?"
Because (word count:) 7-8-9

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