39-bye bye bet

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I walk into Harry's house behind him and follow him to his room. I don't want Anne to see us together again after my mother found out about Harry and I last night. By now they have probably started to plan a wedding for us.

I sit on Harry's soft bed and watch his shirt be thrown to the floor. Anne must clean his room while he's gone because there is no mess when he gets here, but there's always mess when he leaves.

I look up to see Harry in a new pair of jeans and a shirt. He ruffles his hair and begins to walk out. I grab the clothes from the floor and throw them into the laundry bin before following Harry.

"Harry?" I hear Anne call from the bottom of the stairs. Harry freezes and looks back at me before descending the stairs.

"Maura called me." She mumbles as he walks into the kitchen. I do want to stand by Harry right now but I know this isn't my conversation to be having.

"She told me that you and Niall are dating." She says softly hoping her son wont blow up at her.

"Why do you think that's your business?" Harry asks rudely as I can hear Anne huff.

"Harry, I support you hone-"

"I get it. I'm going now." He says not caring for the conversation topic with his mother. I can tell he's a little uncomfortable with her knowing.

"Treat him nicely please? Maura is a good friend, don't make her not like us." She pleads as Harry walks out of the kitchen rolling his eyes.

"I'll treat him nicely." He promises but I know he's lying.

"I'm going to cheshire tonight do you want to come?" Anne calls as we get to the door way.

She peeks her head around the corner at us and is surprised of my appearance.

"Niall, sweetie, why didn't you say you were here? Do you want a tea?" She asks as Harry grabs my hand.

"No thank you, Anne. We have to go to school and I think we're late." I answer as Harry pulls my arm.

"Would you like to come to cheshire tonight?" She asks me in hopes that If I attend, maybe her son would tag along. She probably misses him.

"Sure. I'll have to ask my mother but I doubt she will say no." I answer as Harry gives my arm another nudge.

"Alright, I will text Maura when." She smiles as I nod and smile back finally giving into Harry's pulling.

When we step outside Harry lets go of my hand and continues to walk in front of me quietly.

"Are you going with your mother?" I ask as he stays silent and gets into his car with me following.

"You're not going." He mutters pulling out of the drive way and begins to drive down the street.

"Don't start the day like this Harry. Can't we just have a good day and not fight?" I ask as he rolls his eyes.

"We won't fight if you won't go." He sums up as I turn his radio down.

"I'm going. You could come too." I offer knowing he wont take it. Harry acts as if it's the end of the world if he has to speak to his mother.

"Why don't you want to go?" I ask knowing that this could be the last straw for Harry before he blows up on me.

"It's none of your business really." He says pushing me away once again. I roll my eyes and look out of the window. I don't want to go to school or be with Harry. I just miss my bed. I miss sleeping in my bed alone.

"Okay." I mumble knowing that if I ask any more questions, Harry will turn cold to me and it will take longer for him to change his mood once more.

"She's going to see my dad." He shares as the car falls silent. I know that Harry doesn't get along with his dad or like his dad so that's why he doesn't want to go to cheshire.

"We can still go, Harry. We could go on a date." I propose waiting for my rejection.

"We could go on a date here too." He points out as I lean back into the seat.

"But we could get a hotel room." I speak watching Harry look over at me the fastest he ever has with a  smirk playing at his lips.

"Or we can stay in my empty house for free. We can be as loud as we want." He says with a sly smile.

"I already promised your mother that I would go." I say knowing that my mother will say yes to Anne's invitation.

"Well then tell your mum you're going, tell mine you aren't and stay with me." He pushes as I stay silent. It's not a bad plan, although my mother would ask how I was in cheshire and we would be caught instantly.

"I'm going, Harry." I say watching his smirk disappear and his normal, pissed off face return.

Harry finally parks in his usual spot of the school parking lot as I grab his arm.

"Get rid of that stupid bet." I order looking in his eyes hoping for once he will listen to me.

"Alright." He mumbles as I grab his chin to make him look at me. I need his attention. I need Harry to know how serious I am.

"Because if the bet is still on at the end of the day you will never get laid by me." I say before grabbing my bag and opening the door letting him walk behind me.

Word could: 962

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