20- hard-on

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"Can I ask you something?" I ask Harry as he joins me in the car.

"I guess so." He answers softly, backing out of the drive way. I look at his tattoo's on his arms and wonder why he wanted them, I wonder what each of them mean. Maybe he got some when he was drunk? Or high..

"Do you do drugs?" I ask as he glances at me, driving away from my home.

"What makes you think that I do?" He retaliates as I turn his car radio to the Ed Sheeran channel.

"Well, we did smoke marijuana and you had a lot of drugs in your car." I point out as Harry drives an unfamiliar road.

"I smoke weed. But everything else is gross. I was holding it for a friend while his place was being searched by the cops." He shares as he parks the car.

I never thought London would have an outlook. I could see almost the whole city. All of the lights look gorgeous at this time.

"Why haven't you had sex yet?" Harry asks as I turn to him, away from the lights.

"It's not right. I'm waiting for the right guy." I admit as Harry scoffs.

"A guy with a perfect grade average. Who wears those sweaters around his neck and goes to country clubs?" He asks rolling his eyes towards me.

"No, just a nice guy." I say softly. Why is he so harsh?

"Why do you kiss me?" He asks as I become breathless. Why do I kiss him? He's not good. But he kisses good.

"I'm not sure. It's nice?" I say as the spark of a lighter brings me back to looking at Harry.

He lights a yellow tube and sucks in the smoke before blowing it out in my direction. Weed.

"You aren't going to drive high right?" I ask, not wanting to be the fault for a wreck.

"I wont get high. It's just a few drags." He says before putting the joint out.

"Why do you kiss me?" I ask as he shrugs. I want him to say something nice and cute. He has one million chances right now.

"Because you're easy." He says making my heart become heavy. Surely I can't be that easy.

"I mean, it's easier." He corrects himself as I raise an eyebrow.

"Kissing you is easier than kissing anyone else. It doesn't feel like I'm kissing a boy." He admits
making my heart flutter. Hopefully I can help Harry finally confront his sexuality.


"Do you like to kiss me?" Niall asks while picking at his nails nervously.

"Come." I say pulling on Niall's shoulder until he's fully across the console and is straddling my thighs with a blush on his cheeks.

I can feel the heat between his thighs against mine making me suck in air. How can a guy like Niall make me feel this way?

I look into his blue eyes that stare back at me. He has an unreadable expression which only confuses me. He always confuses me.

His lips look so soft and gorgeous.

"Kiss me." I whisper watching Niall's eyes widen but relax as he leans in. I feel his soft lips against mine as I begin to touch him.

His hand slides past my cheek bone to my hair where he runs his fingers through it. The other lands on my neck where he focusses mainly on kissing me.

Instead of keeping my hands to my sides one slips up Niall's shirt and around his back where I feel his back bone carving his petite body.
The other grabs his hip bone which protrudes from his small body.

I pull him closer as I swipe my tongue across his bottom lip gaining access in seconds.

Our tongues fight for dominance But I win the fight again. I'm trying to memorize how his mouth feels before I have to fight him again. I can't have him falling for me, I'll ruin him.

Niall pushes his hips on mine making me hiss. I had no idea I was getting this hard from him.

"Niall" I mutter against his lips hoping he wont grind down on me again. Only he does making a moan fall from my lips.

"Fuck, Niall." I say harsher pushing him off and letting him sit on my thighs. My eyes travel to the hard-on he was sporting. His length isn't impressive but I still find it so hot to look at. Is everything about this boy small?

I find him doing the same thing, only his eyes are wide and his swollen lips are parted.

"You're hard." He mumbles as I chuckle.

"So are you." I say as his hands fly to cover himself. His blush deepens as I laugh at him.

"I do like kissing you, Niall."

"Good. I don't want you to stop kissing me."


Word count: 820

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