53- status: relationship?

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Me: currently wanting to watch the Narry wagon burn 😈😈



I watch Harry intently looking for any sign of him joking.

I feel my eyes glossing over with tears as Harry grabs me in his arms with a smile.

"I'm joking princess." He says laugh as he holds me. I don't hold onto him as I try to make myself look like I wasn't about to cry.

"But I do want to get up and take a shower." He admits looking down at his torso coated in my excitement.

I cover my face to hide the blush as Harry pulls me in closer if possible.

Harry stands from the bed putting his hand out to me for me to grab. I don't feel any pain until I move.

I grab Harry's hand and stand from the bed ignoring the pain in my lower regions.

Harry wraps his arm around me and walks to his ensuite bathroom.
He immediately starts the shower.

I look at my bruised body in the mirror and smile. Nobody should smile at bruises left by their significant other but for some reason, they make me feel happy. It's not like I felt any pain when he inflicted them.

I doubt he meant to leave the bruises anyway.

I watch Harry step into the shower as I take a deep breath, soon joining him. He holds me as he begins to wash my hair making me smile. I never expected Harry to be so nice to me.

That's when the thought strikes me again. Are we boyfriends?

I want to ask Harry this question but I'm scared of ruining his good mood. I know how the labels make him feel.

"what's wrong?" Harry asks as he begins to rinse my hair, gently pulling my head under the water.

"Nothing." I excuse feeling Harry's chest against my back as my hair is rinsed to his standards.

"Don't lie to me." He says before grabbing body wash and running his hands from my neck, down my shoulders and to my back, massaging the soap into my skin.

"Are we together?" I ask lowly getting ready for rejection.

"I thought we already discussed this?" Harry asks before letting me run the soap over my body.

Harry begins to wash his hair as he speaks again.

"We're together when you want to be. I mean, we never broke up." He says before placing his hands on my arms.

"Do you want to break up?" He asks as I shake my head frantically. I don't need him thinking the opposite of what I want.

I smile at the shower floor as Harry rinses his hair and begins to wash his body.

"I'm sorry for going rough on you." Harry says sympathetically as he traces my shoulder where a bruise is prominent.

"I didn't even notice." I partially lie watching Harry smile. I'd hate for him to think that he causes me pain. Well, physical pain.

I step out of the shower after rinsing my body followed by Harry. I dry off and find a painkiller bottle in his cabinet. I open it and take one of the pills out swallowing it with a handful of water.

I walk out of the bathroom and back into the room allowing myself to dig through Harry's dresser finding another black t shirt to steal.

I slide my panties up my legs and my leggings before reminding myself not to climb into the messy bed.

Harry comes out of the bathroom with Briefs on before peeling the sheets and blanket from the bed and grabbing a new set from the closet.

He dresses the bed as I look around his room once more. I don't notice much different from my first inspection of his room.

I crawl back onto the bed that smells like laundry detergent and less like Harry. God I love the smell of Harry.

I feel his arm snake around my waist again as I settle into his touch.

"I love you" he says to me as a smile takes over My features.

"I love you too."


I let you guys suffer long enough.

Word count :695

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