37- put him to bed

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"I would love to kiss you against this door all night. But I think I'm going to pass out." Harry shares as I take a deep breath. I can feel how swelled my lips are from making out with him.

"Lets go then." I mumble feeling defeated. I know Harry is going to hurt me again, Possibly when he wakes up tomorrow. I let him back into my life to ruin me once more and I hate it.

I grab his arm and place it over my shoulder to let him lean on me as I help him upstairs. His skin burns on mine and I love it. Then he opens that damn mouth and I begin to see the scars that his burning leaves on me.

After almost two falls I finally let Harry lay on my bed. I walk over to my dresser to grab Harry's shirt that I've been sleeping in. The one in my dresser no longer smells like Harry, I will need to steal another one.

"Do you need water?" I ask as Harry shakes his head and begins to strip. I laugh watching his shirt getting caught on his chin as he struggles like a child.

I take this opportunity to slide my shirt off and place his over my head. I slide my legs out of my pants and walk over to Harry, pulling his shirt from his head.

Harry stands and begins to pull down the tight denim around his hips, almost taking his underwear with them but leaving them on just enough to cover his indecency.

He begins to get under my covers as I look at the open bedroom door. I could close it
and have my mother think the worst in the morning or leave it open and risk not having the same cheeky Harry that acts nice when we are fully alone.

I walk over to my door and shut it. When I turn around Harry is smiling at his phone.
Maybe he's texting a girl? Maybe he's texting Cheryl.

I roll my eyes and walk to the bed as Harry laughs again. I crawl into my side of the bed and pull the duvet up to my chin before Harry turns his screen to me.

"Look at this fucking cat." He giggles, yes, he giggles, as he shows me a fat cat jumping onto a chair.

I smile relived that he isn't talking to anyone else right now.

I turn away from Harry as he laughs at the cat again. The room is almost pitch black besides the light from Harry's phone lighting up the area.

I hear his phone lock before his arm reaches across my stomach and his chest touches my back.

"Cuddle me." Harry whines pulling me closer as I huff. I wish he could be this clingy normally.

"You know that your mother is going to find out right?" I ask Harry feeling his shrug against my back.

"She knows I drink." He says as I shake my head.

"You told my mum that you're my boyfriend. She's probably already flipped out with Anne about it." I say listening to Harry's breathing and sudden silentness.

"I never really told her about my sexuality." He whispers in my ear before leaning over my body to face me as much as he can.

"Go wake up your mother and tell her not to tell my mum." He demands as I sit up to push his back to the mattress.

"It's okay. My mother probably wouldn't. She would see it as overstepping boundaries." I lie knowing very well that my mother loves gossip and cliché stories. Her son and best friends son are 'dating' what better story could she want?

" You're not using my toothbrush tomorrow." I say changing the subject before laying back down under his arm.

"We'll see who gets it first."


Word count: 666

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