11-laundry day

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Fully Edited 💕July 23rd 💕 2018



I couldnt stop tossing and turning. Images of Harry kissing me ran through my head over and over at lightning speed. As far as I thought, Harry was straight, now I have no idea what his sexuality is and I hope him finding out doesn't make him bitter towards me.

I wont lie. I did find Harry attractive when we first met but his personality clouded those thoughts faster than I could confront them. But after he kissed me I found myself falling faster than he could catch me. It seems like everything about Harry I haven't noticed before is flashing in neon lights in front of my eyes.

He's hurt and He doesn't trust people. He knows how people understand things. A guy like him can read the world like a picture book. If he can understand me, then why did he kiss me? I thought he didn't like me.

The way we kissed was gentle and sweet. Although I haven't had much experience to compare Harry's kiss to it was everything I would want for a first kiss. People have told me about kisses that don't feel like anything, but his lips left mine tingling. There weren't fireworks like people say but Instead my mind was bursting like one. It was jumping from thought to thought while his lips moved against mine.

If he kissed me why would he continue to insult me with my sexuality? What we did was gay. Flashing Gay in those bright neon lights. I want nothing more than for Harry to come to terms with his sexuality and become completely comfortable with who he is and what he likes and maybe we could become something.

I turn onto my side and feel a ruffle of plastic in my hair. I slowly pull a small bag out of my hair that contains a bundle of green. Oh no. I know harry will freak out if he doesn't have all of his.. stock? I pulled my phone from my nightstand sending a message to Tara.

*do you have Harry's number?*

I set my phone down expecting a long wait but my phone beeped within seconds of contact to my nightstand.
I pulled the phone close to read her message.

*555-6843 he's not at the party though*

I clicked the number letting it ring in my ear while I picked at a ball of lint on my blanket.

The ringing paused before Harry's slow accent spoke through the speaker "Hello?"

"I found one of your things in my hair." I spoke listening to him shuffle around. I hear a thud and a huff before Harry scrambles the phone in his hands.

"Oh, what do you want then?" He asked calmly as I furrowed my eyebrows. Does he not want it back?

"Well do you want it back or am I throwing it out?" I asked as he hummed lowly, thinking about his answer.

"I can come pick it up?" He asks as I nod before realizing he cant see me.

"yeah. I don't want it" I spoke looking at the small bag. I can smell it from here and I hope the scent goes away before morning.

"Okay, I'm on my way." He says before hanging up. His bipolar personality can be very unexpected. I can't help but feel like we're going to have a different atmosphere this time.

I sit up and look down at Harry's t-shirt and my panties. The shirt touches my upper thighs and my underwear choice wont be visible to Harry. He wont even notice that this is his shirt. I slide off of my bed and grab my pink toms and the small baggie. I silently make my way down the stairs and open the door quietly. Cursing at the squeaky door in my head.

I shut the front door and inwardly thank my mother for choosing her room to be upstairs on the opposite side of the house. I sit on the step and wait for Harry's black muscle car to drive down the street of my neighbourhood. I wonder if he'll be nice. what if he wants to kiss me again?

I ignore all of my thoughts as Harry's car rolls up to the walk way. I sit silently as my heart races. Why am I so nervous? He steps out of the car and slowly makes his way up the walkway until he is standing directly in-front of me. I stand up and hand the baggie to Harry as he comments on my attire.

"Is that my shirt?" He asks adjusting the sunglasses over the tips of his ears so the lenses would sit on top of his hair and his green eyes would be visible to me.

"Uh, yeah, laundry day." I lie, knowing that he's aware of my lie. He looks at the baggie in his hand before looking up at me again.

"Do you want to smoke it?" He asks as I open my mouth slightly but no sound came out. If I say no will he leave?

"I don't know." I mutter quietly afraid that he will leave. Its strange to think that I never wanted to be around Harry and now I'm hoping he wont leave my side walk at three am.

"Well, I understand if you're scared of it. It's not that bad." He spoke as he tucks it into his pocket. I don't want to become some pothead like he is.

"Nobody will know. " he adds on quietly. I know that this is Harry's last effort to get me to smoke this stuff with him.

"Okay." I say softly watching him smile.
"Lets go then." He says turning away from me.

"Wait, I need pants." I say as he grabs my arm, stopping me from emerging into the house again.

"No, you don't. It wont be cold, I'll turn the heat on." He says as I walk to his car behind him.

"Where are we even going?" I ask as we get into his warm car. He turns the music down slightly and pulls his seat belt over his body.

" you'll see."


Word count :1035

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