26- exploit

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Today I didn't get an offer from Harry to drive me to school so I was forced to walk the 20 minutes it took to arrive in front of those dreadful doors.

I expected the same from thing from every other antisocial day but this day was different.

Everyone was staring at me. People began to Whisper and talk to each other only when I came by.

Spotting Tara at her locker, I decide to walk to her to hide from these people.

"Why are people being so giggly today?" I ask Tara as I stand next to her. She looks at me with her mouth open looking around.

"You don't know about the photo?" She asks as I furrow my eyebrows.

She sighs pulling her phone out and showing me a group chat between her and 196 other numbers.

A photo of me taking my shirt off in Harry's room. Taken from Harry's angle.

The click.

My pink waist band sticks out from the jeans that people are commenting on under the photo.

What a queer

He's probably trying to slut with styles

Lets be real, styles probably hit it.

This person has been removed from the group.

What a slut


Maybe he was born a girl. I mean, look at those pink panties.


I stop reading as I look around at eyes on me.

They all read this.

The comments go on for miles as Tara looks around with me.

"I can drive you home." Tara offers as I shake my head.

"Thats okay." I say quickly before turning away from her. I begin walking down the hall spotting Liam.

"Niall. Come, I'll give you a ri-" Liam starts as I walk passed him. I listen to the laughing and whispering only before I feel a shoulder on mine sending me into the lockers next to me.

"Sorry. I really didn't mean to." A guy says resting his hand on my shoulder that didn't hit the metal and will soon bruise.

"Didn't recognize you without the pink panties sticking out." He says making people around us laugh.

I walk passed them rubbing my shoulder. I just need to get out.

I hear a group of people laughing at the end of the hall.

"He just takes his shirt off right in front of styles. Probably hungry for him." A guy says making people laugh.

"Not even I would do that." I hear a familiar voice.


I open the door to exit but instead I crash into a hard chest. I look up to the very same green eyes that started this mess.

"I need to talk to you."Harry says hurriedly with a worried expression as I laugh. We both know this isn't funny but I'm so beyond being pissed and humiliated that I can't even express how mad I am with him.

"You just don't know when enough is enough, huh?" I ask trying to push past him as people begin to look at us. Probably hoping for more to talk about in their precious group chat.

"Niall, please? I'll drive you anywhere you want to go okay? I just need to speak with you." He offers grabbing my wrist gently.

I reach up and hear many people around us gasp as my hand cracks across the skin of his face.

"You've said enough." I mutter trying to push past him again.

That's when it happened.

I feel Harry pull me back so harshly that I feel my wrists bruising.

I feel his soft lips on mine again but this time people are around gasping at Harry's sign of affection.

When he finally leans away from my un responsive kiss and opens his eyes he looks even more worried as people begin to whisper about him as well.

He steps out of the way and follows me until we're close enough to his car for him to grab me and drag me to his car.

"Harry I don't want to be around you!" I yell not caring if people stare, they've been staring all morning. 

He pushes me into the passengers seat and buckles me in.

"Give me 5 minutes." He asks leaned over me looking into my eyes.

"You get 5 minutes and you better spend them driving me home." I say as Harry nods and walks to his side of the car.

When his door shuts it takes everything in me to not reach over and strangle him.

"Okay. We were in my room. I took a photo of you. Not to exploit but for my own benefits. Then I made a mistake." He says starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot.

"I sent the photo to Zayn because he was texting me telling me how I was going to 'lose the bet'. So I sent him the photo saying that I already won so he would back off." He explains turning onto the freeway.

"Then Zayn shared it with the school. You know my number, it's not in the chat once." He says speeding up to pass a slow vehicle.

"Then I was going to avoid you for the next week to be mean. I wasn't going to embarrass you like that." He says as he pulls off of the freeway onto my side of town.

"Tara texted me this morning so I got ready last minute to come get you. I didn't know." He finishes as I stare outside at the passing cars.

They don't have to deal with this.

"You kissed me." I say as Harry stays silent.

"I did." He says with the same worried expression from before.

"Are you scared?" I ask looking over at him as he pulls into my neighbourhood.

"Yes." He says running his hand through his messy hair. He looks like he just rolled out of bed. He's even in sweatpants. Harry never leaves his house without jeans.

I open my messages and look at Harry's number, I look through  the updated 234 numbers, looking for a match in the bullying comments and contact book.

Group creator: 358-3917

I open Zayn's contact and read the number


"Take me to Zayn's." I speak knowing exactly what I'm getting myself into.


Word count: 1046

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