58- separation

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I don't say anything about Harry's state until we're out of London. It seems like every time we're in distress, we leave the city and suddenly it's just us.

He parks once we've driven a ways down a dirt road.

I stay silent as he wipes the tears away from his face. I stay holding onto his hand until I decide to speak up.

"Are you okay?" I ask as he nods frantically.

"I hit him." He says before looking at me with wide eyes.

"I hurt you." He says as I shake my head. When he pushed me into the island my side ached but I was too focused on Harry and Liam to notice or care.

"I humiliated you." He says as I shake my head

"No you didn't." I lie before looking outside. The snow is falling outside taking my attention for a few seconds until Harry speaks.

"I did. I showed people your body when you were only sharing it with me." He says as I shrug. I couldn't care less anymore.

"That's over now." I say watching him shake his head.

"It's never over. I ruined us." He says as I grip his hand tightly.

"You didn't ruin anything, Harry." I promise him before letting go of his hand.

"I took advantage of you." He says putting himself down again.

"Harry, I love you. Okay? I came back to you now you need to come back to me." I say watching him grab my hand.

" I love you too." He whispers before taking the keys out of the ignition.

Harry causes me pain in the worst ways but I could never let him go. He simply means too much to me.

"My dad wants me to move to Cheshire." He says as I stay silent. He hates his father he would never leave.

"I'm leaving after the court date." He says telling me that I have two days left with him.

"I think it's best if we just cut off relations now." He says showing me that I have no time with him.

"Harry. You're not serious." I say being far too hopeful for who I'm speaking with.

"I don't deserve you and you don't deserve the things I do to you." He says as I feel my eyes tearing up again. God why does he do this to me.

"I'll take you home." He says as I grab the keys from his hand.

I climb over the console and onto his lap before kissing him. I need him. I need his grumpy attitude.

Thankfully He kisses me back holding onto my hips.

"Please Niall." He begs against my lips.

"Don't make this harder than it needs to be." He begs pulling away from the kiss as my first tear falls.

"You already are." I say hoping that he'll listen to me.

"Please, Harry. You can graduate here, we can go to university, maybe even move in together. Why are you giving up now?" I ask hooking my arms around his shoulders.

"Look at yourself Niall. You're covered in bruises because I constantly hurt you. I humiliate you and you don't deserve that." He says as I shake my head.

"The only think I don't deserve is for you to leave me." I whisper before kissing his neck.

"Please." I beg softly with my face buried in his neck.

"I have to go Niall." He says as I shake my head. I refuse to move until he agree's to stay.

"Niall I'll drive you home now." He says as I feel tears begin to fall, they rush down my face and hit Harry's skin, he feels it too.

"Niall, please don't cry." He begs wrapping his arms around me.

"Please don't leave me."


Word count : 633

Dont let me go // narryWhere stories live. Discover now