46- car

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I step onto the first snow of the year and Shiver in my sweater. Yes, I've come outside but don't get used to it. I want to head back to school feeling the stress of assignments I haven't received yet.

It's been two weeks since the party and since then I've been spending all of my time alone. I don't talk to any of my old friends and honestly I have been starting to get lonely. I almost phoned Zayn because I missed my friends.

I hug the sweater close to my body before taking a deep breath and turning back to walk into the house. I'd like to head to school today but nothing is really working.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I pull it out and read the contact sighing to myself. Harry.

I accept the call and place the device to my ear.

"Niall? You picked up." Harry whispers as I roll my eyes. Is this all this phone call is going to be?

"You have one minute." I speak listening to Harry shuffle on the other end of the call as I pull my sweater over my head.

"I missed you." He admits as I plop myself onto the couch.

"You miss me or you miss taking advantage of me?" I ask listening to Harry suck in a deep breath focusing on recovering from my blow.

"Niall you know it wasn't like that. I'm sorry. I understand that I ruined this, I ruined us and I ruined something important to you. It was stupid." He says staying silent.

"Are you okay? You're not sore anymore right?" He asks as I rub my hand on my forehead.

"You weren't that good Harry. Like I would be sore after two weeks" I say listening to Harry breathing. I'm lying. He was that good. I was sore for a solid eight days.

"You were screaming my name and begging for me Ni. Don't tell me you didn't want it because I know that you did" he says into the receiver making me angry. I know that he's right. I just don't want him to be.

"Is this how it's going to be? You want to call me to apologize but say that I never gave you a choice? Who was drunk Harry? I was, you weren't." I say listening to Harry stay silent. He ignores me and continues with his own topics.

"Look Niall. I used that money and I got you a car. Your mother told me you were looking for one." He says as I stay silent.

"I don't want some car that you paid for with dirty money. I'm not taking anything from you." I spit wanting to hear everything about the car.

"I'll be over in an hour. Get ready, we're going for a ride in your car." He says as I stand up.

"No we're not. You don't get to boss me around and tell me where we're going. You don't get to do that anymore." I say listening to him on the other end of the line.

"I'm sorry." He says softly before I hear him clear his throat

"Then let me drop it off. You don't have to use it but I still want you to have the choice." He says as I stay silent. I would love to say no and get Harry off of my back but for some reason saying no feels wrong.

I know I'll be missing out on something.

A free car

Harry's smile

Harry's laugh.


I just don't know if that's enough to look past my humiliation and put myself back into the same position where someone so selfish could hurt me again.

"Okay." I answer softly waiting for Harry to say anything.

"I'll be right there."


Word count : 640

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