6- goodnight?

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Fully Edited July 21st 2018

I stand up and walk around the dark room Tara has fallen asleep in. I have half the mind to lock her in here and begin to walk home or steal a pillow from the bed and plant myself on the floor for the night.

I walk to the door taking one last look at Tara for the night before locking the door and stepping out, leaving her to sleep without any interruption.

I walk into the bathroom and pull my shirt off, soaking it in the large sink. I watch the red stain diffuse nicely before leaving little to no stain at all.

I begin to ring the shirt out and pull out my phone to check the time. 2:04 am.

I was promised one hour but instead I have spent four here and if I were to begin walking I probably wont get home until 2:30.

My shirt is very damp and I will probably have to wait half an hour alone for the shirt to dry.

A knock on the door makes me stand up straight. The knob begins to jiggle causing me to panic, throwing the wet shirt over my body.

I pulled the door open and look up to see a new black shirt on Harry. Ugh Harry. I cross my arms as Harry eyes my wet shirt.

"Here." He says before pulling his black shirt off and handing it to me. I furrow my eyebrows as I take the shirt cautiously.

"Put it on, I'm taking you home." He demands before closing the bathroom door.

I slowly grab the hem of my shirt and pull it off, quickly replacing it with Harry's . It smells just like him. Although I hate Harry, his smell is intoxicating.

I grab my shirt and open the door to see Harry leaning against the opposite wall.

"Lets go." He mutters before guiding me down the stairs through the mess of drunken teenagers in the lounge room.

My lungs thank me as we step outside and I can breathe the fresh air greedily. I had no idea it was so stuffy in that party. I follow Harry who still remains shirtless but has no problem with it.

He slides into his car as I do the same, instantly reaching out to turn the volume down to the screaming song.

"Are you okay to drive?" I ask watching his eyes settle on me in a 'really bitch?' Type way.

"Yes, I can drive. I'm not drunk. I had a few shots but they've worn off." He says before putting the car into drive and having to drive the opposite way off of the street due to cars being parked messily.

The song plays lowly and I wish I hadn't turned it down that much despite my disliking for emo songs.

"Can I change the station?" I ask lowly seeing that Ed Sheeran is playing on another channel.

"I don't care." He mutters as I hit the channel to start the song dive. I listen to all of the words that I know by heart and smile as the song ends and a new one begins.

"I think I'm going to slit my wrists if I have to listen to this." Harry complains as another slow song plays out.

"It's a very nice song. It's actually better than your little emo songs so leave it." I say standing up for my favourite music.

"If you're gay I guess" he mutters before making a turn onto my street.

"I can bring you the shirt on Monday?" I ask as he shakes his head

"No, I don't need people thinking that I hooked up with you." He says shaking his head as he parks in front of my home.

"So you want me to keep it?" I ask knowing the shirt will only end up in my garbage.

"I guess. If you ever miss me too much you can just spill coffee over it." He teases making me laugh.

"I didn't mean to spill coffee on you Harry." I speak trying to clear the mess up one last time.

"I know. But you get so frustrated when I talk about it." He says laughing at the thought of my anger and admitting that it wasn't my fault.

"Thanks Harry." I say softly before grabbing the handle of his car door.

"Uh, goodnight?" He says as I step out of the vehicle.

"Goodnight, Harry." I say before shutting the door and walking up to the door of my house before walking inside to listen to Harry's muscle car roar down the street.

Did that just happen?


Only 793 words. But I gave you guys many words in the last chapter 🤗

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