7- golf carts can't lie

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Fully Edited July 21st 2018

I wake up feeling lightheaded and sit up in my bed. I fell asleep in the same clothes from last night but only from how tired I was and how much energy I was lacking. The jeans I'm wearing weren't uncomfortable at all.

I slide out of my jeans and pull a pair of black joggers up my legs. I feel like doing nothing but studying and texting my friends, Lydia and Karen.

I pull my school bag up to my desk and unpack my mathematics slowly although I desperately need to study.

*Karen: you didn't text back last Night.*

*Lydia: yeah, did you get a date?*

*no. I actually went
to a party.*

*Karen: what?*

*Lydia: we don't party. *

*I know. I just went. I got a drink spilled on me and I was mostly taking care of a friend. Then this asshole drove me home.*

*Lydia: was he a cute asshole?*

*No, he's a homophobic asshole. *

*Karen: sorry honey. Maybe we can come up and visit to make it all better? :D *

*Next weekend? *

*Lydia: then can I meet the cute asshole*

*He's a man whore*

*Lydia: perfect. *

I roll my eyes before setting my phone down and standing from the desk.

I should shower. I smell like alcohol and smoke.

I walk to the bathroom and strip from my joggers. I look up at the mirror and eye myself in Harry's shirt. It reaches my upper thighs and half way down my arm. Our size differences aren't very cohesive.

I wonder what it would be like to have a boyfriend. I could wear his shirts like this every night and smell his cologne on my body. But Unfortunately it's Harry's shirt and Harry's cologne. I pull the shirt off and hover it over the garbage can.

I mean, I could use it as a sleeping shirt?

I fold it and set it onto the counter before starting the shower and stepping under the warm water.

I wonder if the party has been cleaned up already? Or if it's still running.

my run in with Harry left us in a good position. Despite my shirt being the holder for yet another beverage of Harry's, I feel as if we could begin to be friends. I surely hope we could. It would make things a lot easier.

I step out of the shower once I'm clean and make my way downstairs for a snack. I barely notice that my mother has made it home early as she walks into the kitchen.

I tell her about my day at school besides the detention and party and she shares about her trip home. Somehow I don't find myself wishing that she took me along.

The rest of my weekend goes by too fast and soon I'm walking through the halls of school again.

I hear people speaking about the party and how the cops came to break it up and everyone ran.

As the bell rings I catch up with Tara and Liam who are talking about the party as well.

"I made it home seconds before mum so I can play on the team." Liam shares before ruffling my hair.

"Thanks for taking care of Tara." He says smiling down at me as Tara begins to tell me about how she had to hide under the bed to avoid being found by the cops.

"Everyone made it out. I was just laying there trying not to breathe under the bed. Then when Harry came back he found his party empty and the cops arrested him." She shares as I fumble with my books listening to the words.

"He got arrested?!" I whisper yell as Tara nods.

"Luckily his mother came home early and bailed him out within the hour." She says nonchalantly.

I could only imagine the trouble Harry is in right now. If that were me I would be on house arrest until I die.

I hear cheers coming from behind us grabbing our attention to look at Harry walking down the hallway getting high fives and compliments and questions as my eyes focus on the bruises around his wrists.

"Harry what did your mum say?" Tara asks as Harry stops in front of us. Today he wore black as usual but this time he has a beanie on to flatten down his short curls.

"She cried, the usual. Then she took me home and cleaned the mess." He says as I begin to feel upset for Harry's mother. She must not trust him at all when she leaves.

"Did you get busted?" Liam asked as Harry nods.

"Possession of marijuana, coke, and someone fucking left LSD in my room." He says making my breath leave my body. Does he use those drugs?

"Do you have a court date?" Liam asks Harry who only shakes his head.

"Desmond paid my way out fully." He said before grabbing Tara's coffee making me flinch.

"Calm down Niall. I thought we made amends?" Harry asks before taking a sip of her coffee.
I nod along and listen to stories of the party in the hallways.

Tara snatches her coffee back causing Harry's eyes to roll.

"I'm surprised your mother hasn't sent you off to scared straight or something." Tara says as Harry makes a grimacing face.

"No, she did say that if I got arrest once more she would send me to boarding school but that was 4 months ago." He said as Tara's jaw drops.

"She didn't send you even after the golf cart incident? Or the Lorraine incident?" She asks making me wonder what any of that means.

"No. Lorraine is off somewhere now and the golf cart can't tell it's secrets if its in the bottom of a pond." Harry says giving me an idea of what each incident is.

I had no idea that Harry was such a trouble maker. Just last week I had gotten my first detention ever while harry has been doing drugs and getting into trouble with the law. Detention must be something he already includes in his schedule. I cant help but look at Harry in a new light.

"Where did you even go?" Liam asks as he joins us in the art room. He picks at his girlfriends coat to pull off lint.

"I went on a weed run." Harry says laughing as I feel somewhat disappointed. Does he not want people to know that he gave me a ride home?

"How did you get home?" Tara asks me as I sit in my desk next to Harry and pull out my phone and headphones.

"I walked." I lie as Tara gasps. She begins to scold me about perverts and my safety but I only care about why Harry felt as if he had to lie.

Is he ashamed of hanging out with me?


Word count :1151

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