Chapter 12|new paths

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Song of the day: kuchi kuchi by jodie

Dedicated to:-kaity

Quote: ''The joy of Motherhood''


I swerved into the enormous parking space, and cursed under my breathe as I rolled the window glass down and removed my black jacket, making sure to pop a couple of buttons open on my white inner. I took few moments, in the car, to enjoy some cool breeze.

Gradually, my shoulders slumped as I relaxed further on the head rest. I killed, the engine and opened the car.  There were alot of cars and motor cycles, some coming in and others going out.

I had taken a detour, on my way here, in a bid to avoid the 'customary' traffic jam that was always present, on Fridays. But my detour turned out worse, I ended up staying in single spot for more than thirty five minutes, under the scorching heat of the sun. 

My plan, originally, was to branch by the mini supermarket on my way here and get some cereals, till I had enough energy and time, to shop properly on Sunday. But the traffic jam, had ruined my plan, all I wanted to do, while been stuck in the traffic jam was to drive out of there with the speed of light to somewhere cool and less noisy.

I checked, the leather wristwatch that I had strapped on my right arm, it was exactly one hour and six minutes past the closing time. This was by far, the worst time, to come pick up a child. With all my record in coming late, I had never been this late.

Maybe an hour late, but not the extra six minutes on it. I grimaced, as I approached his class.

So much for taking a detour!

"Madam Williams" his form teacher sang, as I reached the class. Her legs were crossed, and a face held a sour smile.

I smiled warily. I understood her displeasure, Jason's school made sure that all the form teachers, left the school or class, only when their students or pupils had left the class. I doubted if the took it serious in their secondary wing, but I didn't doubt that they adhered to that rule strictly in both the nursery and primary wing.

"Mummy" I turned in the direction of his voice, and saw him scramble to get his school bag, before rushing to hug me.

I bent down to size, and caressed his cheek, loving the smoothness and smile that I bore. "How is my baby today?"

"Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine" he nodded. His eyes searched mine, as his smile grew bright.

His energy was unbeatable. I delayed answering his imminent question, and instead stood to my full height.

"I am so sorry, miss Ann" I began, though it was all too familiar, if I wasn't apologizing today, it will be the day after tomorrow, not minding I continued, "You know how the traffic is on Friday, everybody is just rushing from different corner and angle, so they can go to mosque and pray".

She nodded, with the same sour smile, she greeted me with. "I understand ma, just try and come earlier, its not right for him to stay this long in school".

"I promise, to come earlier next time." She wasn't even listening, her attention was on her phone. Yet, I couldn't fault her. We had this same  conversation, up to three times every week, with almost the same explanation, reaction and advice.

"Where is your lunch box?".

"Ah!" He exclaimed and grinned, before he went back to carry his lunch box, he waved at two more boys who were seated in his class, and made his way back to me. I took his hand and we exited the school building.

"Hey, buddy" I called as we reached the car, "i am sorry, for coming late, mummy was stuck in a traffic".

He smiled at me, as I helped him into the car. I felt bad still, I had changed his school to this, because I felt this was closer to the house and a fair  distance from the office, and because I didn't like coming to pick up him from school, late.

But, apparently the only thing that changed, was his school environment. I was late, in picking him up from school. I entered the car, and fastened his seatbelt, before I kick-started the car.


"Mummy" he whined with a pout, "my own ice cream is melting so fast".

"Jason" I groaned, as I stoop to his size and took a large scoop of ice cream.

"Mummy" he cried accusingly, and took a large scoop of ice cream, add another three scoop and the ice cream was gone. He was smiling.

I ruffled his hair, and instructed him to go take his bath. I, crashed into the nearest sofa, with heavy breath. If there is any one detour, that I am happy I made, it will be the one that made us buy ice-cream.

It wasn't enough compensation, for coming late, but at least he got two tubs of his favorite ice-cream.

The sound of my phone vibrating in my pocket, woke me up. I removed the phone from my back pocket, and unlocked it.

A missed call, from Pamela, zero seconds ago.  I frowned, I didn't like the fact that she ruined my sleep, and the fact that, the missed call, was from Pamela. She called again.

"Miss Williams".

"Yes, Pamela" I relaxed further in the sofa, "what is it?".

"Mr Phil, requested an emergency board meeting, tomorrow".

"Pamela" I began, rubbing my temple lightly, "you of all people should not be saying this, I don't participate in board meetings".

"I know, ma'am" She stressed, "there is going to be a board meeting, and an inter board meeting, Mr Phil gave the instruction for you to be present in both".

Something, bitter formed in my throat, I wanted to smash the phone against the wall. I took a deep breath.

"Miss Williams? "

"Yes" I answered, "Why didn't Mr Phil tell me this, I checked on him before leaving".

She did not reply, I heard the sound of a plastic cup, been crushed.

"What time is the meeting?"


"Nine?" I screamed.  What happened ten and eleven?

"Okay" I spoke into the receiver with a sigh, "Thank you".

"Yes, ma'am".

Immediately, the line went dead, I threw the phone to the adjacent sofa and kicked the ground.

What kind of godforsaken meeting did they need my presence in. What happened to Monday. To Tuesday.
To damn it....... Wednesday!

There was nothing I could do, I stood and wrapped my long box braid into a bun, carried my brown jacket of the sofa and loosened the belt around my blue jeans. I needed a cold bath.


Hey 👋

How did this chapter go?

So, we have been ushered into the second part of the story, and we got a glimpse of it!!!


Don't forget to wear matching shoes, we have an important meeting tomorrow!!!!

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Kindly, share this story!!!

Thank you!!!!

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