Chapter 13|Nightmares

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Song: Alive by sia

Quote: "the quality of our thinking, determines the quality of our life".

Dedicated to World_Of_Champions

A yawn escaped my lips, as my bare feet made contact with the cold floor of my bedroom.

Rubbing my eyes lightly, I attempted a stretch and almost  wobbled back to area I slept on. I struggled with the tempting warmth of the bed and cuddled to  where Jason laid asleep. I kissed his cheeks, then rolled the duvet off his body. He had this strange ability to just wrap the duvet round his small body.

In a kneeling position, I drew the curtain together, making sure that it wasn't joined too much, so the rays of the early morning sun, will lighten the room. Jason disliked, waking up in a completely dark room. He also, claimed that the early morning sun woke him up too early. I, placed another kiss on his head.

Whatever that meant, I am still sure I have no idea.

I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth, before going to unplug my phone, from I charged it, yester-night. The time read, nine forty-six am, I saw that I had missed an alarm, confused I clicked on it, I usually did not set alarm on Saturdays, that was no reason to. Board meeting, nine in the morning.


I checked the time again, it was Nine forty-seven. I was very late.
I dropped the phone, and dashed into the bathroom. As I turned on the shower, I pondered over what I was going to wear. I made absolutely no preparation for the board meeting, save for the reminder I set in my phone.


Waking Jason up and sending him to Luke's house, wasn't an easy task. He wasn't happy about it. He had grumbled throughout the time, when I was giving him a very quick bath, and selecting the clothes he would wear.

Luke, is a friend and also our neighbor. They were about the same age. I knew he had no issue going to Luke's house, but he didn't want it, to be today.

If only he knew I agreed with him.

I tied his shoelace and we both walked briskly to Luke's house. I, knocked on the door and Luke's mother, Grace, opened it, her face lit up, as she saw, Jason and I. She commented on his grumpy look and let him in. I called his name and waved at him, but he just turned and stared at me, with glazed eyes.


As I alighted from my car, I prayed earnestly, to God, that the meeting was still going on, and that they hadn't struck an agreement and ended the meeting.

I glanced at my phone again, as I walked to the entrance. It read, fifty two minutes past ten. I winced, Mr Phil was surely going to berate me.

Someone called my name and waved at me, it was Gideon, one of the company's gardener. He was dressed in causal clothing, indicating that he had finished his job. He is a nice guy, we usually had friendly banters, but today?
I had no energy for it, I waved at him and walked inside.

Pat and Mary, were present at the receptionist desk as I walked in, I waved at them and mumbled a good morning, as I sped past them. I knew that only Mary, would reciprocate my greetings, Pat had a problem with every living thing in this world.

I can't describe how happy, I was,  when I dashed into the conference hall we used for board meeting and met it empty. There were just about a handful of the Company's cleaner, tidying up the place. Though that did not stop Mr Phil from berating me.

Mr Phil Bassey, was the executive director of PAIGE LTD, the company I worked for. I can't describe Mr Phil as a hard man, yes, he is strict with his policies and company rules, but he has a large heart. And he searched for, the good in everything.

He was he, who after the rest of the interviewers had given an instant no to me, offered a trial to me. I had no idea at that time, that he was the executive director, I just saw that the rest of the interviewers quickly agreed. I had assumed he was a senior staff at the company.

I was a fresh graduate, I had a few working experience, but never with a company as big as this, I had applied for the interview, because I felt that,  I had nothing to lose.

I was also a young mother, battling with my infant child, and struggling to make ends meet. Its funny how the strangest things happen when you least expect it, and when you have given up. I am continuously grateful, for the opportunity he gave to me, years ago.

At Fifty six, he did not appear any different than the first day I met him. His head is donned in white hair, which became more prominent over the years. He has a small bulge from his belly, by all means this man should be aging slowly, but he has sworn an oath to over work himself and wear the stress like an army badge.


The first board meeting, started at exactly ten minutes past ten, and there was a good turn out.

The meeting consisted of major stockholders in the company, and a few managers of smaller extensions from/of PAIGE LTD.

I was present in the first meeting, because Mr Phil instructed that I should be present. I had been in a few, but only to replace, Oge, our very efficient secretary.

Today, I sat down in the meeting and made no contribution, it wasn't needed and I almost had no right to. It was a very successful meeting, that ended with more proposals, strategies and objectives.

When the first meeting ended, and Mr Phil was done talking privately with some of the stockholders, that he asked Pamela to take moment to organize the heads of department, for a major inter meeting.

I didn't think much of it, as I assisted Pamela in contacting the right offices and persons. But the heavy sigh and worried look, from Mr Phil, made me rethink.

Hey 👋

What position do you think, Aramide occupy in PAIGE LTD?

On a scale of five, how often do you forget important things?

Don't forget to hit the vote button 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Thank you!!!!!

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