Telling the family

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*14 weeks pregnant*

Jessica comes down the stairs, holding her hand behind her back and mumbles something.

"Good morning, mommy!" Alicia smiles as she walks into the kitchen.

"No, morning is not exactly good! I'm only 14 weeks but I already can't sleep, my back ached all night!" Jessica sits on the couch and closes her eyes.

"Well, you are carrying three kids!Alicia puts her hand on her belly

"Mommy! Mommy!" Vivian runs into the kitchen with a happy smile

"Yes, honey?"Jessica takes her hand

"Guess what!"


"Grandma D and grandpa Al are coming for dinner!"she jumps up and down.

"Yeah? But they should be back from Paris in a week!"

"No, they're coming back today, mom!" Alicia giggles

"Oh, shit, I forgot! Did you tell them about dinner?"


"So, I think it's time for mom to get changed her clothes and start cooking, right?" she kisses Vivian on the cheek and she giggles.

Later, Danny came to help them

6:30 pm

Jessica wore leggings and one of Danny's shirts. She rolled her sleeves and unbuttoned the top two buttons, she did her hair and makeup.

" Jess, you look amazing!" Danny says when she comes down the stairs.

"Thank You....but I'm fat!" she puts her hands on her belly

"You are not, you're just pregnant!"

"Haha thanks, I know that"

*The doorbell*

"Omg! Mom, dad, I miss you so much!" she hugs them.

"We missed you too, sweetheart! Oh, look at you! You look gorgeous!" Dorothy takes her hands to get a better look at her.

"Thank you" she smiles

"Hello, Princess!" Albert kisses her forehead.

"Hey, daddy!"

"Danny?!" Dorothy gives him a stern look

"Mom, not now!" Jessica takes her hand and they're distracted by the doorbell.

"George! Ann! Jane!" she screams joyfully, hugging them.

"Jessica what is it?" George laughs


"Are you pregnant?"

"What?! Haha, no..."

"Your jokes aren't funny anymore, you're getting old brother!" Jane puts her hand on his back

"Hey, I'm actually younger than Jessica!"

"Shut up!" Jessica rolls her eyes.

"Oh, Jessie, you look amazing!" Ann hugs her.

"Thank You!"

When everyone arrived and already began to have a great time, it was time to tell the most important news.

"Hmm, I am asking your attention!" Jessica gets up from her chair and everyone looks at her.

"Danny and I have to tell you something important!" she takes his hand

"Together again?!" Zoe puts her hands on her chest

"Uh, no! The reason we called you here is to tell you.."

"I know! I know!" Vivian jumps on Dorothy's lap.

"Shh, sweetheart, let mom will tell this!" Danny smiles.

"Yeah....I'm pregnant!"

The silence hung for a minute and all mouths dropped open in shock.

"You what?" Ann asked again

"I'm's triplets!"

"Oh, my God! Jessie, I'm so happy for you!" Dorothy hugs her.

"Thanks, mom!"

"That's cool!" Jane smiles.

"Aren't you happy for your sister?"

"Are you kidding me?! Of course I am! Let me hug you!" she's running to her

"I knew that! I knew!" Georg shouts proudly

"I'm happy for you! But triplets...damn it!"

Zoe and John hugged her and Danny, then Albert shook his hand and kissed Jessica on the forehead.

"If he hurts you again, just call me, okay?"

"Okay, daddy!" she giggles, hugging him.

"Jessie, how far along are you?" Dorothy asks.

"14 weeks!" she strokes her belly

"Wow, I can't believe there's three babies in there!" she giggles, putting her hands on her belly

"Me too!" Jessica laughs.

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