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Hello please let me know if you are interested in the story ~

It was a cold winter night that day. The snow was thick its hard to walk further. The man was freezing, he was trying to find a shelter. When he heard a soft crying from south. He followed the sound which getting louder by each step he taken. His heart then melted when he saw a small baby left inside a small box with a thin fabric wrapping him. He then remembered his wife.

They was always hoping for a child yet fate turns their hope up side down. His wife lose the ability to bare a child after the incident a year ago. They are not that rich for advanced medication, but they have love for each other. That's what keeping them strong

Seeing a baby left in the winter and in addition in the middle of no where, hurts his feeling. He was contemplating on bringing the child home or not. He was certain if he brought this child home his wife would gladly accept it. But with the financial condition he had... fuck it he brought the child home anyway.

The family raised that child with the love they share to each other. They work hard to pay for the child's education and health.

The child though became a very successful man. He repayed his non biological parents for everything. Now he was the one who supports the family his super big family

And thats how the PARK'S ORPHANAGE was built.

Omg guys i write the prologue and also a little clarification this is only the very begining start of the orphanage lol (i dont think this had something to do with the story lol i hope it has i mean that would be dope xD). Hope you guys will love the story

orphans - JJPWhere stories live. Discover now