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Wasspoppin's my first time writing a book anddd I hope you enjoy 😊!


I always ask myself.
Why him?
Why? Everyday I think about it and it hurts me. Can it be the others? Is there a reason why?

All of a sudden something made a sound which it made my thoughts drift away. It looks like a text message from Jungkook. It says
"Hey, are you free today?" Of course I responded quick. I typed "Yeah. Where do you want to meet?"
He responded with "Coffee shop?"
"Sure!" I replied. I smiled to myself knowing that it is just the both of us. I quickly get dressed. I wore something casual today which for me is comfortable. I walked to go at the coffee shop since it was close to my apartment. I opened the door of the shop smelling a brewed coffee. Hearing employees call out names. I automatically saw Jungkook and he saw me. He smiled and I smiled back going to him. "Hey Kookies." I giggled.
"Hey Cream" he teased.

Yes, I call him Kookies and he calls me Cream. I sat infront of him still beaming with joy.
"What are you going to get?" He asked
"Hm. I don't know there is a lot of good stuff in here." I said thinking of what to get. "Maybe I would just get a frappe."
"Frappe as always." He chuckled. "Frappe coming right up." He then walked at the cashier to order.

So I got my frappe and he had a cappuccino. "How was your day?" I
"Horrible."" He took a sip of his coffee "But because you're here my day turns to be amazing."

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