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He saved me....
Narrator's POV:
You guys found a cabin. You guys went inside. He settled you down and Jungkook looks for a match for the wood. Luckily, he found them. He lit the match and threw it at the wood making fire. He then puts a blanket near the fire place. "Y/n strip."
"Why would I-."
"You can get sick and you almost have a frostbite so take off your clothes or get sick." He said as he was preparing. You stripped leaving you in your undergarments. He puts off his shirt. You saw his well built muscles and his well built abs. "Here lay down here." He said as he motioned you to sleep right next to him. You went to it and you laid down with him. Jungkook hugged you causing body heat. Soon, you two fell asleep.

Time skip~
"Wake up." Jungkook said. You slowly opened your eyes. Jungkook handed your clothes that he dried. You wore it.
He carried you piggy back style. All the way at the house. He puts you down. "Can you walk?" He asks. You nodded.
Jungkook opens the door and you saw them worried. "Y/N!" Rae ran up to you and hugged you. "I missed you." She sobbed. "Here me and Jimin prepared food for you two." Renee said.
You followed them so did Jungkook.
When the food was served. You two ate non stop.
"Where did you saw her?" Nia asked
"She's stuck at the cliff." Jungkook said still eating.
"So, how did you guys spent the night?" You two stopped and stared at each other. The others were shocked and some where smiling. You and Jungkook blushed and looked away.
"I see." Namjoon joked. You and Rae went upstairs. "Y/n I can't believe that THAT happened." Rae rejoiced. "But who did that?" Rae asked. You shook your head. "I don't know." Is all you can say. It's impossible for Renee to do that, she writes in cursive and the note is in print. Jimin too. The boys can't go inside the room. You don't know what Yeo Rin's writing is but you're sure that it's not her because she can't do that.
The moon has risen. You guys are outside and Namjoon is grilling.
"You know y/n, Jungkook is one of a kind." Renee said. "He went out there to save you." She stopped at what she was doing and stared at you. "Don't let the chance be taken."
"Nee san where do I put this?"
"Let me show you." She assisted Rae.

"Do you feel better?" Taehyung asked.
You nodded in response. "I'm still looking for the suspect." You giggled at what he told you. He did a boxy smile which is very cute. You saw Nia talking to Kookie. It looks like they're having a moment together so you didn't disturb them. Jungkook looks at you as Nia gets barbecue from the grill. You came up to him.

"Thanks Kookie."

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