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Rae where are you?
Waking up from the sound of birds chirping is the best wake up call you've ever had. You got out of your bed and started to stretch.You walked out of the room and headed in the kitchen seeing Yeo Rin and Rae. They both greeted you. "Good morning guys." You said back."What do we have?" You asked. Rae motioned you to sit down and gave you hotteok. "Omg I love these." You said and you took a bite from it. You hummed in delight
"I'm glad you liked it." Nia said.
You asked if the others already ate breakfast and they said that they already ate breakfast and you're the last person to eat breakfast.

Time skip~
Jimin took pictures of the places you guys would visit. Right now you guys are in a souvenir shop. You're with Rae and you guys already made 50 inside jokes. "Omg look at this." Rae took a glasses and puts it on. "It's pretty."
You nodded but something catches your eye. You saw a cute jacket. It was color grey with a pink shirt. You softy touched the fabric and it's soft.
"Do you want that?" You turned around seeing Jungkook. "Uhm ah no. I just like touching these kind of fabric." You lied. "I can buy you one if you want that." He said in an assuring voice.
You're about to say yes.
"That looks cute!" Nia said touching the fabric. "Jungkiee I want one." She made puppy eyes. Jungkook slightly smiled and said, "Sure babe."
Nia rejoiced. "Thank you Jungkiee!" She hugged him. "You're welcome." He smiled. Rae gave me the dirty look. "Why didn't you say yes? He could've bought you one." She crossed her arms.
You rolled your eyes smiling at the fact that Jungkook is about to buy it for me.
"Y/n I bought this for you." You saw Taehyung hand you the same jacket that you want but it's pink. You were surprised and glad. "Thank you so much Tae." You smiled. Rae gave the oh my god love triangle face.

It's about time to ski. You wore the jacket that Taehyung gave you. It was comfy and soft. You didn't know that Nia is good at skiing so is Rae. You don't know how to though.
"Do you want me to help?" Taehyung asked. You nodded. "Oki!" He made smiled at you.
"You put your hand here."
After for a while you learned how to ski. You and Taehyung were having fun. You looked for Jungkook and he's with Jimin. You saw Namjoon having fun with Renee. You saw them laugh and talk. "I know right." Taehyung said. You agreed to him.

It's time to go inside. You guys were now at the living room. You looked for Rae but still no signs. You went upstairs and you saw a note. It says
"Y/n I'm going to ski outside." Skiing? You thought. You ran on the front door. "Y/n where are you going?" Renee asked concerned. "It's dangerous outside at this time." She added.
"Nee san, Rae is outside I have to get her inside." You ran outside before Renee could stop you.
"Y/n!" She screamed.
This is bad Renee thought. She looked for the others and luckily she found Taehyung and Jungkook. They looked at her. "What's wrong?" Jungkook asked.

"Y/n...she's outside."

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