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I slowly opened my eyes. I saw two men putting me inside a van. Then I closed my eyes and I saw an airport.
I saw myself in a plane....


I woke up not remembering what happened. I scanned the place where I was at. It looks elegant and heavy designed. Where am I? I saw a sign that is written in Chinese.
I tried to get up but I was tied on the bed. I tugged. I moved. Soon, I gave up.
"Help!"I screamed. Am I kidnapped?
How about the meeting? Is he part of this? Help.

The door opened. He watched me.
"Suck my dick fucking cunt." I spat.
He smirked. "You're a tough one."
He touched my thighs. I tried to kick him. "You know....you're one of a kind."
He caresses my face.
"Let go of me."
"I won't." He starts kissing my jawline. "S-stop."

"What are you doing?"
He stopped and turns around.
"Get the fuck out."
"Yes sir!" Then he quickly left the room leaving us.

"Who are you?" I said but this time I tried to be calm as possible. "Are you that Wayne guy?"
He grinned mischievously. "You're easy to fool." He grinned once more. I stared at him upset. "Do you want to know why you're sent here at HongKong?"
I gave him the confused look.

"You're going to change everything about your life."

My eyes widened. "W-what do you mean?" I said nervously. Wayne just stood there and watched me. Then he walked out. "Hey wait. Let me go!" I said but he already left.
Narrator's POV:
You can't do that!" You said as you were tied but this time it was a chair.
"Boss wants us to do this."
"Never." You said in anger.
"If you don't...we'll kill everyone you love."
Deep inside you're scared but you don't let your weakness show. "Where's your proof huh?" You spat.
"You're tough." He showed you the list of the people you care and how they would kill them. Your face got pale.
"That's what I thought." Wayne smirked. "Also, I heard that you still have feelings for this guy and it's a good time to forget."
Forget?? You thought. "H-how am I going to save them?" You stared at Wayne.
"Easy task." He hands you a paper which you believe is a contract. "All you have to do is to sign this." He points it and hands you a pen. You held the pen awkwardly. Your hands were shaking as you signed it.

You made a deal.

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