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I'm okay.
I can't believe it. We saw Jungkook and Yeo Rin together. I sighed. "Y/n, I'm sorry." Rae looks at me in misery
"No its not your fault Rae." I said still looking at them. I saw Jungkook staring at her while she laughs. I sighed once more. I turned to Rae and said, "Rae let's leave." Before Rae could respond.

"Y/n? Rae? What're you guys doing here?" Jungkook said surprised. I can't talk. I want to shout his name saying that I love him but I can't.
"We're just you know chilling." Rae said to cover me up. I nodded. "Oh Y/n by the way this is Yeo Rin." He introduced us to Yeo Rin.
"You must be Y/n. Jungkook talks about you."
"Really?" I said amused. Yeo Rin nodded and Jungkook got shy. "It's nice to meet you two." Yeo Rin added.
"You too." Me and Rae said at the same time. I automatically said, "Jinx! You owe me a donut." I laughed. "Fine." Rae giggled. "Jinx?" Yeo Rin asks. "Oh Jinx is a word where if you and your friend said something at the same time you have to say it so that your friend will treat you something." Rae said proudly.

"Looks like you guys are having fun." Jungkook smiled. "See you guys." He added."Bye." I said. He then puts his arms around Yeo Rin. They walked out

Rae slightly slapped me. "Ow what was that for." I rubbed my cheek. "Well don't look at them. It will hurt more." She scolded me as if she was my mother.
"Rae I'm not a little kid anymore." I giggled.
"But still! When it comes to situation like this...it's different."
I looked at her. I agree she's right. I said, "You have a point."


After a week
Yeo Rin and Jungkook got together. Yeo Rin told him that she loves him.
Of course Jungkook was happy.
I have to be happy for him.


It hurts.

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