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"Y/n, I fell in love with Yeo Rin."

I remained quiet. I don't know what to do. My heart shattered into pieces. I froze. Is this what Jimin is talking about?

"I don't want you to be hurt okay?"

Jimin...I'm sorry but I am.
"I'm so happy for you!" I exclaimed as if it was real. I tried to maintain my composure and it worked.
"I know you are cream." Jungkook chuckled.
"By the way I have to go now. Don't over work! Bye Kookie."
"Yes Cream.Bye~."
Then I hung up.

Rain poured down. I could hear the thunder outside. He's in love with Yeo Rin. Jungkook why....why did I chose you? I knew that you won't feel the same way but I still. I still. Love you. Why. The thunder became louder. The rain poured down heavily. "Jungkook why." I cried. "Why!" I screamed. I can't stop myself from crying. I cried for hours and hours. Until there were no tears coming from my eyes.


I slowly opened my eyes and it is 10 am in the morning. I cried in my sleep. I texted the boss of the surgery department saying that I won't be there today because I was sick. This reason always work. I don't want to do anything today. Honestly, I just want to lay down on the bed and just eat food but I lost appetite. I can just sleep since sleep is life.

I heard my dog bark. Aish who the heck is knocking on the door? I went out of my bed. I want to scream and say "Get the fuck outta here or else." But no I have to kill them with kindness.

Another knock on the door. "Wait a minute!" I shouted. I opened the door and guess what? It is-

I immediately closed the door.

"RUDE." I opened the door once more.
"What do you want?" I said in a annoying voice.
"Are you okay? Your eyes is red. Wait. You have Conjunctivitis?!" Rae said shocked.
"Dummy, it is not red eye." I crossed my arms as I laugh.
"Can I atleast go inside?"
"Aish fine." Rae walked inside
"Y/n why are you so moody today?"
"I don't know."
"Is it because of Jungkook?"
I don't know why but all of a sudden I burst out in tears.

I didn't expect it to have 1k reads. I don't know what to say. Thank you so much💜

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