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"Hey Jungkook." I slowly opened my eyes. "Psst." She's yanking me. "Wake uppp."
"Y/n? What are you-."
"Shh. Follow me." She lend me a hand for me to stand. She leads me the way.
"Where are we going?"
"Somewhere." She looks back at me and smiled. "You'll see." Then she continued. As we were going I saw a huge palace or whatever it is but it is immense. We went inside.
"This is trespassing. What if there's someone-." We walked towards the guards.They stood still as if no one is there. They didn't even ask us anything. We went at the garden. Wow cherry blossoms. "Jungkook..." she faced me and I stared at her with affection. She tiptoed. She went closer to my face and now our face is inches away not just inches but centimeters away.

It blacked out... I see nothing.
"Hello??" After a while I saw a light. I ran towards it. I was in a familiar place.
I saw myself with her. He's behind her. Putting a necklace. The necklace I gave her..Everyone's attention was in it whenever she wears it. They want it. They want her necklace but unlucky for them she has it.
"It's beautiful Jungkook thank you!" She hugged him.

Things were moving around me. I started to lose my shit. Let me stay in this dream. No. "Jungkook!"
I instantly woke up seeing Lee Sae.
"Are you okay?"
I nodded.
"Hm. You were talking in your sleep." She giggled. "Who's Y/n?"
"She's nothing." No she's nothing. She's everything. She looks at me seriously.
"It doesn't look like it." She stood up and began stretching. "I will be right back." She exited the room. I realized that we're the only ones left in the studio. I opened the door leading me outside the room. I walked around. "Lee? Where are you?" I shouted. Why am I getting paranoid? I saw a steam on a door.

Should I go inside?

I opened the door. I can't see anything because of the fog but then I saw a tiny light that was shone by the light. I bent down and I inspected it. It was a crescent shaped necklace. Looks familiar to me. I heard a humming sound. I look through my right just to see a silhouette of a woman. I shouldn't be here but I'm putting her necklace on the right place.

I can't sort my head properly. Thoughts always going in filling my head but one thing came...

Y/n is Lee Sae?

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