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He looks pleased on what I'm doing..
"I want to stay more hyung." You frowned. Namjoon hugged me. You hugged him back. It was nice knowing his girlfriend. We became real close and acts like a sister. We each said goodbyes.

You're back to Seoul which means back to normal. You're now home. The others are too. You groaned knowing that You have work today. But this time You're doing on a photoshoot.
Now that You're at the studio.
"You're here ms. Kim." The studio's employee said. "By the way my name is Jiya." She showed you the place where. It's on a beach. You texted Rae saying, "Guess the fuck what? It's on a fucking beach."

You guys arrived.
"Can we take a photoshoot at somewhere other than the beach?"
"The manager wants you to take pictures here and you're wearing this." She showed you the clothes that you're going to wear. "Uhm, is that even a swimsuit?" You asked. Jiya laughed. "Do you know what magazine are you going to be in?" You shook your head. "You're going to be in a Playboy magazine." Your jaw dropped as you heard this. "I-Im g-going t-to be on a p-playb-boy m-magazine?" You nervously said. Jiya nodded. "Now go wear the clothes." Jiya winked and giggled.

You wore the swimsuit Jiya provided.
You hated the thought that you liked wearing it. It defines you.
"Y/n can I come in?" Jiya asked outside the door. "Yes!" You shouted. She came in and said, "Oh my, you're the hottest model I've ever seen in this planet." You got shy on her compliment. Jiya awed. "Ms. Kim it fits you perfectly. It showed your curves and everything that is sexy." Then again, you got shy.
"Now let's head out." Jiya giggled. You both headed out and walked at the shooting. You saw a photographer getting ready. "Y/n I told you." Jiya winked. She motioned you to get ready.
You got ready and the photographer takes a picture of you. You felt somewhat weird because someone is staring at you. Until, you noticed a familiar figurine sitting far behind. You want to know who it is. You wished you didn't.

You saw Jungkook staring and at the same time he's smirking at you as the photographer takes pictures of you. He looks satisfied at what he's seeing.
"Sideview please." The photographer said. You did what the photographer said. You tried to shrug it off but it still doesn't go away. The photographer took a picture of you and the 3 employees examined it. "You did good." Jiya said. They looked amazed. Your break ended.
"This time we're going for another pose." Jiya said. We got ready again.
"Ok Y/n you're going to sit at that rock after that, you spread your legs open. Your arms are at your back for support." You nervously nodded. You let out a deep breath and did what Jiya told you. It made your breasts look bigger. You saw Jungkook bit his lip as he looks at you seductively.
"Ok there we go." Jiya said pleased. The photographer take pictures of you.

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