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I didn't know he loves her and regrets being in a relationship with Yeo Rin... She wished she's here but she can't. Y/n, Jungkook loves you more than Yeo Rin. This is a motivation to stop herself from being controlled but she died...

She's never dead. I can sense that she's alive. She's here somewhere. She's.....here...don't worry Jungkook. She's going to you.

Lee Sae....
And that other bitch he flirted...

Two names where a made up... spying on Jungkook is now a hobby. How wonderful this is...

"Y/n remember I'm a mafia and I can do anything to you"

Well fuck you. I chose the wrong thing. I should've listened to my senses after 5 years of faking. I should be done with this bitch ass mafia. That fucking flat faced bitch. Here I am tied again in a fucking warehouse after meeting Jungkook.

Two guards untied me. Damn that shit is hard to be untied. They pushed me into a room seeing that fucking mafia.

His daughter approached me but when she did... "Yeo Rin??" My eyes widen. "Your father is a mafia???"
She nodded. "I'm sorry for what my father has done after 3 years." She looks at his father approaching us.
"I apologize for what I've done." He bows. Woahh he's humble.
"It's alright...I understand mr Yeo."

"Thanks for understanding. I'll give you back the things I took. I'll make you'll have that job again by tomorrow." He said "If my daughter trusts you then I trust you too." He smiled.

"Thank you sir." I bowed.


"I'm terribly sorry for my father doing that to you. I thought you were dead but instead my father kidnapped you and changed everything about you ruining your life for three god damn years." She looks down. "I'm sorry for forcing Jungkook to love me when he used to love me. Thanks for letting him be with me Y/n. I told Rae and Namjoon about this and at first they both can't believe it."

"Why not Jimin and Taehyung?" I asked.
"Well...I want him to be surprised." I laughed
I touched her shoulder. "Someday you'll find someone just like Jungkook and will love you just like him."
She smiles. I used to hate Yeo Rin.
"Let's go see them shall we?" She looks at me. "Also, don't be nervous you ugly duckling." She giggled. Is she a mind reader because wow she read my mind pretty well or is it just because I can't stop moving.

"We're here madams."
"Alright! Thanks sir!" Yeo Rin said.
"They'll love this." Yeo Rin laughs

We went inside this exquisite place.
Seeing them.
"Yo wassup guys!" She exclaims. "Look who I found."
"Uhm who?"
She looks at her side seeing no one.
"That bitch." She facepalms.
Then my small ass head peeks at the door.
"Yeo Rin! You forgot Marco Polo hmph." I pouted. Their eyes is so immense. Loved their reaction. 

Especially Jungkook..

Double update because why the fuck not??

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